Chapter 12: and yet...

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              The ambulance came on time. Everyone but Katty was saved Twitch came as quickly as he could to come help, and yet... I-... I still felt like I failed. I failed the children who were found dead and the one who survived, I failed to keep the animatronics safe, I failed to keep Karry, Mia, and David safe, and what hurts most of all... I failed to keep one of my only friends alive. I had also been taken to the hospital to be checked on. After I had been there for a while Twitch walked over to me and asked me to come outside with him. We sat down on a bench outside and looked at the sky. I'm honestly not gonna lie about how awkwardly quiet it was until I decided to voice a question that had been on my mind for years now. " Twitch back when we met why did you talk to me?" I said looking over at him.

Twitch: "Wh-what? Wh-what d-do you m-mean?"

Fin: "Well you know... I lived in a literal dump and at that point you were pretty high up in ranks, ya know?"

Twitch: "Ph-philip I-i think th-the r-r-real question i-is wh-why wouldn't I-i? Y-you were o-obviously lon-lonely, a-and ne-needed a fri-friend."

Fin: "Yeah... I guess that was pretty obvious. Well as much as I don't understand it, *hugs Twitch* thank you so much for tolerating my bullshit for so many years."

Twitch: " A-aww! *Twitch hugs Fin tightly* I-it's b-been my p-pleasure!"

Fin: "Well we should probably go check on my co-workers now."

Twitch: "F-fin th-the ho-hospital i-is safe th-there's no n-need t-to worry."

Fin: "But Twitch I really wan-"

The figure of Angela, one of the police offices I see normally, walks towards us along with a newer figure with gray-blue eyes and dirty blond hair.

Angela: "Hey there Fin and Dr. Drendeer hope we aren't interrupting anything to, intimate."

Twitch: "N-no I was j-just a-about to leave." Twitch said as he got up.

Duke: "Howdy nice to meet 'cha my name's Duke! I'm the detective for this case!"

Fin: "Oh joy... I'm assuming you're the new replacement since they k-" Angela covers my mouth quickly.

Duke: "What?"

Angela: "Oh nothing~." (whispering to Fin "Shhhh he's the new guy okay?")

Fin: (To Angela "Oh I see.") " Kicked out the last one right?"

Angela: "Yeah he was a real slacker." ( To Fin "Nice cover up")

Fin:(To Angela "Thanks I try.")

Duke: "...Ok?..."

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