Chapter 10: Does anyone have a silver hammer?

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Night 20

Hiya! My name is karry Brown! I'm 19 and stuff! Anywho you probably want to hear about my night right? Well I'll tell you! I walked into my office like any other night and looked at my picture of me and mia, we're really good friends! ... I think. She always helps me out when I'm in jam! ... Wait... did I use that phrase correctly? Yeah I think that's how you say that! Oh and the others are nice to I guess... but mia is better! Fin is kinda weird... he cries a lot something about how he's lost a lot of friends who used to work here. I hope he's just kidding around.

Mia says that he's a douche bag who doesn't know shit. But I think he's ok. He's just sad and alone, kinda like me... but hey that's ok! My family may have died in the fire at our... my... old house next to the suicide forest in japan, but it could always be worse I mean I could have no friends. So that's an up side!... I think so anyway. But back to my night! Let's see oh! Ok so after I looked at my picture I picked up my tablet and checked the cameras and did my job and stuff! Then the lights in my office gentally flickered, that normally happens when David's power goes off! Any who I kept doing my job for about an hour and a half, but what's weird is I didn't see any little robotic fuzz butts, and then my power cut out! I knew that was weird cuz Nora, the new engineer, had just fixed up all the fuse boxes and mini generators! You wanna know what's even weirderer? No robo-animals in my zone ever turn off the power! So I turned on Utsukushī which is my com isn't Utsukushī a good name for it? Anyways I turned on Utsukushī and the others were already talking! So I listened for a Tanjikan ( short time ) before I desided to join in.

Mia:" Oie Fin! You there?"

Fin:" Yeah Mia. Whats got you so-"

Mia:" The power Fin. My zone's power just cut out and YOU need to fix it!"

Fin:" Ok, ok! Wow you're worked up about this!"

Mia:" Fix It Fin."

Fin:" Ok! I'm working on it."

Karry:" Guys what's going on? My power just went out. Fin is there something wrong with the generator?"

Katty:" Yeah, is everything ok down there?"

Fin sighs " I'll go check you guys just try to do your jobs without the power for a bit ok?"

Karry:" Okie dokie!"

Katty:" I'll try, and thank you Fin."

Mia:" Fine but it better be quick for your sake Fin."

Fin then leaves the conversation.

Katty:" Did Fin just ditch the conversation?"


Mia then leaves the conversation

Katty:" Now Mia has left as well. Are you going to leave to? If you are please say goodbye at the least"

Karry:"Nah. I'd prefer to keep yah company."

Katty:" Aww how sweet of you Karry. Well I'll try to stay on my com then."

Karry:"Well okay then! I'll try to do the same!"

Katty:" Hmm... well since we can't exactly do anything, what do you think is wrong with the power Karry?"

Karry:"Uh... Oh I know! Maybe the murderers are here, and are trying to kill us before the rest of their victims, because we're the security and therefor the only ones who have the ability to stop them from killing their victims."

Katty:"I see ... Karry I think you have some problems."

Karry:"I know I need help don't I?"



Karry:"Katty you there?"


Karry:"Ahhhh! Who the hell are you?!"

???:"... No one in particular."

Karry:"No you're definitely someone, and you useing Katty's com!"

Katty:"K... karr... y...... r-run..."

???:"Oh shit you're still alive. You just don't die easily do you? *sigh* I guess I'll just have to shot you *long over dramatic sigh* AGAIN."

Karry:"W-what?! No! Ka-"

A loud gunshot sounds and I sit staring blankly at a wall in my office for at least fifteen minutes. That is, until the unmistakable sound of a robo-animal trying to quietly walk to my office snaps me out of my trance. I look to the door where the stippity steps are coming from. Just about then I see cloud the short hair cat's oil and blood stained white paw reach gently around the frame of the door. Cloud carefully walks into my office, his body is kind of jerking at random points and blood is slowly oozing from many different points in his suit. His mouth opened with a light creaking, cloud's normal dazzling sing song voice seems to have now turned into a gargled hiss with only the slightest hint of meaning. After a few minutes of him trying to tell me something he finally just grabbed my hand. Honestly at this point I kind of don't care what happens to me I'm just hopping that the others are ok. Anyways I quietly walked down the hall allowing cloud to lead me, after about three hours of walking around I notice that we're being followed. Cloud suddenly stops and attempts to speak again as he turns around, I manage to make out what he's saying or at least parts of it, "you ---- -- get --- -- ---- place ------ they get you. --- need -- stop them.". I couldn't tell what he was saying at some points but I'm sure it was important. There was a loud noise and then my vision went black, I later woke up in a hospital room with Fin standing by the door nervously and Mia just across the hall.

"They came and they killed one security guard, eighteen children, and ..."

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