Chapter 8: Oh shi-

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Night 238

My night starts off like the other 237 nights I've been working here. I run past crazy possessed animatronics to get to my office. That newbee David that got here 12 days ago is apparently scared of the dark, and being alone, but won't tell anyone as to why. So yeah... I'm not really sure what to do about that. But I have asked him why it is that he took the job, but he just kinda shrugged and told me that he needs dah mula and is trying to face his fears. Eh... I guess everyone does have to pay the bills. Anywho I should probably introduce myself. The name's mia, m'kay? Don't forget it. Anyway the boss told us to be careful about tonight. Something something about Jonathan Blake and three others... or was it two? I can't seem to remember. But Jonathan Blake that's a definite name that sticks, he's been all over the news, ya see he's been taken into court and accused of murder numerous times, and yet every time there hasn't been enough evidence to get him arrested. However they recently found out about someone else to which literally every missing link pointed to, Jonathan had witnessed them acting strangely. If ya ask me it sounds more like he ratted out his partner in crime to live another day. Oh yeah and the scapegoat was sent to death row and killed, oddly enough after just two hours after arrival. No one really knows what happened. But I myself have a few little ideas that I don't feel like sharing. Anyways back to my night, I finally get into my office and plop down in my seat. I check the cameras with my usual speed. Nothing seems really out of the ordinary tonight at least not yet.

But once you've worked here for about a year you learn to never take things at face value. Anyways I look 'round my office and wait, after all I wouldn't want to make things to easy. Then I start to hear precisely what I'm waiting for, the light yet quick paced sound of metal footsteps. I calmly shut my door and check the cameras once again. " Well took the bots long enough." I comment. The show stage is finally empty, I then check the zone's doors to see if they called in the others yet which they haven't. Quite unfortunate I had been hoping for a challenge this time. Oh well maybe tomorrow night. As I check the door behind me the power seems to cut out. " Aw come on I was on a roll!" I yell in frustration. I grab my com,

Mia:" Oie Fin! You there?"

Fin:" Yeah Mia. Whats got you so-"

Mia:" The power Fin. My zone's power just cut out and YOU need to fix it!"

Fin:" Ok, ok! Wow you're worked up about this!"

" Fix It Fin."

Fin:" Ok! I'm working on it."

Karry:" Guys what's going on? My power just went out. Fin is there something wrong with the generator?"

Katty:" Yeah, is everything ok down there?"

Fin sighs " I'll go check you guys just try to do your jobs without the power for a bit ok?"

Karry:" Okie dokie!"

Katty:" I'll try, and thank you Fin."

Mia:" Fine but it better be quick for your sake Fin."

Fin then leaves the conversation.

Katty:" Did Fin just ditch the conversation?"


I then leave the convo as quickly as is possible, so I can check around my zone to see just how screwed I am. But oddly enough I can't find any animatronics. That fact actually makes me somewhat concerned about the little fuck-bots. I mean technically it's my job to watch them, and they can break... oh fuck, why do I suddenly care about them? I've literally never cared about them before. Whatever I'll just have to look for them.

Which I do for about two hours before returning to my office. " What the...?" I say as I look around at my office. It's been absolutely fucking trashed! Whoever the hell did this is going to have hell to pay! I look around the room and notice that my com is crushed. At this point it dawns on me... the boss's warning... the office... my com... that name... I screwed up, holly crap did I screw up... he's in my office! " Oh Shi-" I don't even get to finish my sentence.

I'm then beaten with a large steel pipe fracturing my skull in three places.

"They came and they killed..."

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