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When your in church your supposed to look your best. Be on your best behaviour and wait until marriage for sex. Its understandable in some lights but it never truly makes sense.
I looked at Kody as he slept beside me. I have my find out the gender ultrasound in a few weeks. He and his mom are amazing but i wish i still had my parents. You never think that parents could just wipe their hands of their kid.

We stopped at Starbucks so Kody could grab a coffee before we went to the ultrasound. Im almost 4 months pregnant im showing a little but not enough for people to notice, they'll just think im fat. We arrived at the health centre everything was white. Clean. The nurse took us back into the room. The ultrasound tech came in and put that blue gel on my stomach. it was freezing. She smiled,"everything looks good." I heard Kody sigh in relief. She chuckled a bit,"Do you guys want to know the gender." I shook my head and she placed the awnser in an envelope and soon we were on our way home. Nancy was home from work by the time we made it back she gushed about her little grand baby.
"The tech put the gender in this envelope." She perked and took the envelope when i told her.

At supper It was a cheery mood.
"Hey Faith are you really sure you want to go back to school we could homeschool you, if you wanted that is." Nancy said.
"Ill be okay i can handle them joking and all that besides its our last year, i dont wanna miss it." I said and she nodded and continued eating. I helped Nancy clear the table and then headed to shower.

Kodys bedroom had a bathroom attached so i stuck with that one instead of using the guest one. I turned on the water so it could heat up before i stepped in i took off my clothes and my gaze stuck on the mirror i stared at my body. I couldnt believe i had a tiny human in me. I jumped when i heard Kodys door close. Kody walked into the bathroom and then apologized. He turned to leave and I grabbed his hand and i kissed him.
"We're having a baby." He nodded and smiled.

He moved his hands to my belly and gushed when the baby kicked. He was so excited.
I got into the shower and he followed. He kissed me slowly then moved to my neck. Biting softly making me moan into his ear he picked me up and he he started slow then started moving faster while i kissed him. After we finished he washed my hair and my body then i washed his hair. I got out and chucked on one of his shirts that i drowned in and a pair of underwear. He put on some boxers and laid beside me on the bed holding me. "I love you." He whispered, "And I love our baby." i whispered I love you back and he kissed my forehead and we fell asleep.

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