Another rant

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SORRY! IM SOOOOOOO SORRY! I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN FOREVERRRRRR LIKE REALLY. I'm sorry guys. But honestly I haven't seen any votes or comments in a yeah. You make me mad. But anyways....I'm updating 0:) I'm an angel :) ;) :) <3 ask anyone. I really am an angel, for real you can ask anyone....just not the people who know me. At all, like don't even ask people who I only kinda know....I make a bit of a first impression... As a retard once said *cough Jacob cough* "I make a bad first impression, a horrible second impression, and it only gets worse from there." Amen. So true. You .know that right. read in Gus voice....PSYCH! Love it.

If you read alllll that comment the word...."johnjacobjinglehimershmit" yes that's a word! A name really....ehhh whatever. NOW on to my real rant.


Titanic. It's an ok movie....I really liked it actually. It's just...well actually there are a lot of thing that annoyed me about it. Like Jack and Rose just happened to fall so deeply in love that she leaves her fiancé for him. All in two days. That's not exactly likely, also the guy who plays Jack looks way to much like the dude who plays Buddy in fried green tomatoes. But whatever. Anyways there is just no chance that old person Rose remembered every detail about the ship. At the age 110 or something like that. Unrealistically old for someone who drank and smoked as a young lady. They also took the "you jump I jump" thing to far. It was cool. Then cliché. I HATE cliché. Then the ship goes down, that was cool...but once everyone was in the water Jack gives that huge inspiring speech about how Rose isn't gonna die. Then he goes in dies. Wow, I was like "what a loser! Rose lived but noooo he just couldn't live another 20 minutes." Then come to find out that she had the necklace the whole time. And did she die in the end? (Warm in her bed) or what? I was confused.

That was a short rant. I'm sorry. Vote comment...JOHNJACOBJINGLEHIMERSHMIT!!!!!!




PLEASE! Wait no please. I meant to say NOW!

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Ashley Xx

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