Random :)

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Hello wonderful people! I'd like to apologize for not updating in like 25868964689644577854 and a half years. Even though the only person who would understand the 'and a half' part doesn't have a wattpad account I still added it 'cause it makes me laugh. Lol any way the answer to my (Jacobs) riddle 'what starts with e and ends with e and contains only one letter?' is.... drum roll please an envelope duh. None of you retards got it HA! Ok I'm done making fun of y'all :)


Ok so I'll most likely end this book soon... just letting you know ;( unless I come up with more things to write about... I think I'll write a chapter about how to annoy (insert person) in every way possible. kinda like how to be the best you you can be... ehh whatevs. So anyways y'all can expect MAYBE 7 more chapters. Maybe.

Ok well this doesn't really count as a chapter so yeah. Also if anyone wants to PM me ill answer. I promise. I also follow back and stuff. please follow @shemanator please.... even if he's a jerk just follow him. Yeah, I guess until later tonight GOOD BYE! which came from God bye which came from God be with you... yeah I'm weird what's it to you? O.o


PM me

Follow me I follow back


I'll be your new bestfriend if you follow @shemanator <3

Ashley Xx

P.S. I wouldn't blame u if u didn't follow him... he sucks.

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