Puppies and Kittens

1.4K 26 11

So before I start this chapter I just want to say thanks and please read the note at the bottom. Also thanks to TangledDreamcatcher for editing my work plus she's also giving me ideas when I need them.

Chapter One
(10k's Point of View)

Groaning, I continued to walk in circles on the rooftop of some school in New York. This had been my third day of getting baked in the sunlight. "Forty five, forty six, forty seven." I whispered as I counted my steps to distract myself from how bored I actually was. For as long as I could remember I used to only count stars, ammo, and animals that scurried by as I survived with my pa. Since he passed I started to everything I could, especially when I killed a z. There was something about counting that made me feel safe, numbers are my safe haven because I understood them more than any other subject my pa tried to teach me. I smiled when I thought about him, but tears just quickly formed in my eyes... I really did miss him. I would always remember what he told me before he died.
Stay wary of being in a large group.
Shaking my head, I wiped away my tears and looked around. Nothing had changed- the U.S. flag was still ripped in half, the seventy pound tank was still on top of two cars and a fallen metal fence, little or no z's in sight, and a scrap of food I had in my further satchel.

Interrupting the stillness, a black truck pulled up and turned off as a group of people got out. Immediately, I crouched down hoping no one seen me as I crawled my way to the ledge. I set up my sniper rifle so I could see what they were up to. You know, in a none creepy way. I looked through the scope of my gun and made sure my finger wasn't on the trigger. It wouldn't be a good idea to accidentally shoot one of them so they could find me and kill me.

It was a small group of two females and five males. A young lady who was probably the same age as me had red hair and a green sweater under a vest. Next to her was an African American who looked as if she'd been in the military. Her hair was in pig tails that brushed against her light green jacket. Then, there was another African American who was male and wore a military outfit. He was holding a black AK47 with a lazer sight attached, and if I'm correct, he had a large scar on the left side of his face. A man a little younger than the other was the next and he was probably older than me by a year or so. He had dirty blonde hair, a grey and black jacket, and a blue shirt. Another man with curly brown hair and was wearing a plain blue shirt that had sweat stains easily visible to a naked eye. He was also older than me, but by a bunch of years and not just one. There were only two people left and they were clearly the oldest. The first one had light yellow hair that turned white at the end, a red and a black short sleeve flannel shirt that wasn't buttoned up which showed a black shirt underneath. Lastly, another man with black hair and a brown jacket that had been used very often -or he'd been eating little pieces of it- was covered in dirt and looked more z than human.

They had spilt up for a brief moment and the African American with pigtails and the curly, brown haired man found a baby that appeared to be crying.
How come I never heard crying when I was walking around looking for supplies? I thought to myself since there was no one else to express to about what I was feeling or thinking about. I sort of liked it this way. I don't have to worry about someone using the information I give them against me.

Anyways, I saw her hand the baby to the man who had a smile on his face as he carefully took the baby. Before I looked over at the old man, blond haired man, and the redhead, the female pointed down to the fallen fence that had a z trapped underneath it and the blond haired man stepped over the fence, aiming his gun before he fired which killed the z. When I first came I had planned on killing it to add to my count, but I eventually decided over it mostly because I love the adrenaline of when I shot them as they ran getting closer to me. Also, on the day I wanted to move on, if I ever needed one the z would be right there for me. Not anymore, though.

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