Chapter 5: Singing

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It's Saturday!!! Which means, singing Saturday! Every Saturday my friends and I each play a few of our favorite songs and we all sing along. We probably don't sing that great, but nobody hears us and it's fun.

And we play our favorite songs

And we scream out all night long

Like ooh ooh ooh

When its just me and my girls 

The five of us belt out Fifth Harmony's Me and My Girls, which we play every Saturday. It goes perfectly with this event, don't you think? (A/N: I suggest listening to this song. It is really good!)

After we finish singing that song and a few others I hear someone cough behind me. Who's here?? I hope they didn't hear us singing...

It was Niall and Liam.

Niall's POV:

I went over to Olivia's flat, planning to thank her again for the party, and Liam decided to tag along. When we got there I let myself in with the spare key she had given me in case I needed anything. That was when I heard them singing. They were amazing!! I stood there watching them sing for a little while, until I got their attention in between songs.

"You guys are great! Do you sing professionally?" I ask.

Olivia's POV:

Do we sing professionally??? Is he out of his mind?

"What? We're awful!" Caroline exclaims.

"Unless it wasn't you guys singing just then, it didn't sound so awful to me!" Liam tells us.

"Could I talk to you for a minute, Olivia?" Niall asks me.

"Um...sure." I say, as I lead him to my room.

We sit down on the edge of my bed and I look at him curiously.

"Well, management told us that we needed something special to add to our next show, something that would surprise all the fans." Niall said.

"Ok? And you are telling me this, why?" I question, having absolutely no idea where this is going.

"I'd have to talk to the boys about this, but would you and your friends like to sing with us at our next concert?"

I'm pretty sure that when my jaw dropped, it actually hit the floor. Us, sing with One Direction!!!??? Omigosh, this is crazy! Ok Olivia, breathe!

"We would love to!" I answer, not even having to consult my friends, as I knew what they would say.

I can act in front of the audience at the plays, right? An arena full of hundreds of screaming teenagers should totally be fine. Oh, no.. why did I say yes???????

Niall must have seen a look of uncertainty on my face, as he quickly jumped to reassure me. 

"Don't worry you will have plenty of time to practice!"

"It's not the songs that are worrying me, its being up in front of all those people!"

"They don't bite, love."

"So they're not rabid werewolves? Thanks for clearing that up." I said, with a whole lot of sarcasm.

He laughed. "No, I'm pretty sure they aren't, unless something happened while I was over here. Now, about the concert, I will talk to the boys and text you with what they think of the idea."


We say goodbye and he leaves with Liam.

Niall's POV:

After we had already gotten in the car I rember what I had came here for in the first place. Oh, well.

As soon as Liam parks the car, I hop out and start to ask the boys what they think about my idea. They said that they would have to hear them sing first. I text Olivia and ask her if she could come over.

She quickly agrees and they are at our hotel in no time. The boys are just as amazed as I was after they hear them sing.

"You guys are incredible!" Louis declared.

"Really?" Zoe asked.

"Definitely!" Zayn answered.

We all talked and set up a rehearsal date. We had to get started soon, because our next concert was only in a week and we still have to fly back to Europe.

Olivia's POV:

The five of us walked into rehearsal the next day, slightly nervous. All of a sudden someone comes up behind me and puts their hands over my eyes. Without thinking, I step on their foot hard and they let go. I spin around and elbow them in the stomach. That's when I notice it was Harry.........

"Oh my goodness!!! Are you ok? Do you need an icepack? I'm so so sorry!" I blurt out.

"Wow, you are strong for someone so small! And I'm fine, don't worry." He told me, getting up off the ground.

"Are you sure?" I ask, worried.

"Yes, but really, how did you learn to do that?"

"My parents enrolled me in self defense classes as a child, and I found out that I really love it, and have been doing martial arts since then." I say, as I notice the other four boys standing there.

"Not quite the girly-girl you look like then?" Zayn asks.

"I guess not."

I kept apologizing throughout the day as we practiced the songs that were to be sung at the concert. I feel really awful for doing that. But hey, he shouldn't have come up behind me like that.

"I'm fine! You don't have to keep saying sorry" He tells me.

"Sorry.Oh wait.." I laugh.

"Did you just apologize for apologizing too much?" Louis asks, laughing also.


By the end of the day Caroline, Emily, Zoe, Maddy, and I knew most of the songs we would have to sing.

"Bye!" We call out as we left.

"That was so much fun!" Emily shouted as we got back into the car, "I can't wait for the concert."



Yes, this may seem like a very random, out of the blue chapter, but just bear with me because it will make sense in a few chapters. Could you please comment a good band name that you are pretty sure is not taken? You will see why! Thank you if you do this :)


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