Chapter 7: Pre-Concert

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We walked into the O2 arena in London. "Woah..." Caroline murmured.

"Yeah, that's what we said too," an unfamiliar voice said from behind us.

We turn to see four girls and four guys standing there whom we happen to recognize as Little Mix and Five Seconds of Summer. Just when I thought we had had enough surprises and excitement today.

"You guys are....are..." Emily stuttered.

"Amazing? Yeah we know!" Calum said sarcastically while we all laughed.

"Oh, I must have forgotten to mention that they would be here to help you guys prepare and then they will be watching the concert."

Yay! Three internationally famous bands plus several hundred screaming fangirls watching us make fools of ourselves on stage.........and its all being recorded! Oh no....

The five of us were led back stage where we ran into two more people that we had never expected to meet in a million years. Lou Teasdale and her daughter Lux.

"Girls meet Lou and Lux," Liam said while gesturing to each, as if we didn't know already, "And Lou this is Olivia, Caroline, Zoe, Maddy, and Emily."

"Nice to meet you girls," Lou told us.

"Nice to meet you too," I responded.

As I was talking, Lux ran up to me and grabbed my leg. "It looks like you made a new friend!" Niall exclaimed.

"Oh, I'm sorry about her," Lou said while trying to pull Lux off my leg.

"Don't worry, she's fine!" I assured her.

I crouched down so I was on Lux's level. "Hello!" I said.

Lux giggled and responded with a hi.

I picked her up and rejoined the conversation. "Ok so you the the eight of you will first be doing a pre-concert interview and then coming back here to get ready." Paul said while checking something on a clipboard he held.

Wait a second... I did a double take and realized he must've come in while I was talking to Lux. Honestly, Selena Gomez is going to walk through the door next!

"Which eight of us are you talking about?' Caroline inquired.

"The five of you, Eleanor, Niall, and Liam." Paul answered.

"Why is Eleanor coming with us if you don't mind me asking?" Maddy questioned.

"I must have forgotten to tell you! If it is okay with you guys I had wanted to perform with you." Eleanor told us.

"That's perfectly fine! We'd love to have you perform with us!" Zoe said.

"Ok, now that you all are on the same page, we need to get you ready." Paul quickly told us.

Lou handed each of us a bundle of clothes and told us to make sure they were our size.

I entered a changing room and inspected the clothes that had been given to me. I had skinny jeans,  a white blouse that had a sparkly gold collar, and gold flats. After trying them on, I was amazed they actually fit. How did Lou guess my size that quickly and easily?

I walked out of the changing room to see everyone except  Zoe already changed. We started discussing the interview as Zoe walked out. "Sorry I took so long," she apologized, "I couldn't get the shoes on."

I could see why her shoes gave her trouble, they were flat sandals with laces that looped around her calves intricately.

"On in five!" A stagehand yelled.

"Come on guys, let's go." Niall said.

We followed him up to a platform where the interview would be taking place, and all took a seat on the long couch while we waited for the interviewer to show up.

Interviewer's POV:

 "Two minutes!" I heard someone yell.

I quickly finished putting my makeup on and ran out onto the stage with about a minute to spare. Once I got there, I saw eight people waiting for me.

I fished my camera out of my bag and set it up.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Linda Banks!" I said cheerfully, "Can I get you guys to say your names for the camera?" Later the tape would be edited and the names put into a subscript at the beginning of the video.

"Niall Horan"

"Liam Payne"

"Eleanor Calder"

"Olivia Potter"

"Zoe Miller"

"Emily Chase"

"Caroline Page"

"Madeleine Clarke"

"Ok, thank you." I tell them after all of them had finished.

"No problem!" The girl named......I forgot

"What's your name again? Sorry!"

"It's fine, my name's Madeleine but you can call me Maddy." She answered.

"Ok! I'll remember that!" I know...I'm an interviewer, I should be able to remember things, but sometimes it just doesn't work out that way.

"I know the interview just started but I'm going to go use the toilet real quick. Sorry," Liam excused himself.

The five girls from America started laughing.

"What did I say?" Liam questioned.

"Sorry, it's just that we don't typically don't call it a toilet." Olivia answered him.

"Well what do you call it?"

"I call it a restroom, but some people say bathroom."

"That makes no sense, though. You don't rest in there, nor do you have a bathtub in most toilets."

"Toilet doesn't make sense either....there's a room with a toilet in it, you don't just have a toilet out in the open. Hey! I got it! Let's call them toiletrooms" Olivia said while her and everyone else started laughing.

"Ok then, I'm going to go use the toiletroom apparently." Liam started walking off.

"Ok. Have fun!" Zoe yelled after him.

"Toiletroom?" I asked Olivia.

"It makes sense!" She answered defensively.

"Ok." I said smiling while Liam walked back in, "Now let's commence the interview."

(A/N: Haha toiletrooms! It does make sense though......maybe? Or is it just me?) :)

Olivia's POV:

The interview was over before we knew it, and then we had to go change and do a sound check.

When we got back to the wardrobe area I was handed another bundle of clothes and went to put them on. This time it was a black and white top with mint green jeans and black sandals. 

The six of us walked over to the stage to do a quick rehearsal. "Everyone know the songs?" Caroline asked.

"Of course!" The five of us answered in unison.

I was so nervous. I just know I'm going to go out there and mess up. Oh well.....whatever... I'll try my best!

All too soon the fans started streaming into the arena and we were called on stage to open the show.



Yes, I know that 5SOS and Little Mix were kind of random but it will make sense soon!

How do you think the story is so far? It's my first one and it's probably awful, but writing it is fun so I'll just keep going!

Also, I fully expect everyone reading this to say toiletroom from now on! :)

Bye bye!

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