Young! Remus Lupin x Reader

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I was sitting in the train, just reading my copy of Magical Beasts, when the compartment door flew open.

"Y/N, we need help!" My stupid twin said. With a groan, I put my book down and looked up. Before my eyes stood James, Sirius, and Remus, all without the rat I hate. "Where's the rat?"

"Got him self locked in a closet again," the boys muttered together. "Y/N, will you come get him?" My twin, James, asked, making a puppy dog face.

"Quit trying to make yourself look like Padfoot, will you?" I mumbled, giggling afterward. Sirius groaned. "That's mean!" "Whatever," I said, standing. "Let's go get the rat."

The boys then led me to a closet in which I heard scratching and crying. I burst out laughing. "H-he, locked himself in?! H-how?!"

The Marauders shrugged as I pulled out my wand. I said the spell and Peter fell out, still crying and blubbering. He then shot up and ran down the train's corridor, not saying anything except crying noises.

I then looked in the closet and saw books. "Ooh!" I squealed, going close to them. I then felt something push me, and I fell in the closet, the door shutting and locking behind me.

"Hey, why'd you do that?" another voice groaned from beside me. "Remus?!"
"Oh, that's why... Not funny guys!"

So, I was trapped in a closet with my crush. Wow. "Remus, you can stay on th-" I was cut off by something soft hitting my lips. I soon realized that Mooney was kissing me, and full of love and passion, too. With a small hesitation, I kissed back, putting my arms around his neck, while he put his arms around my waist.

He pulled away, out of breath. "Y/N, I have always liked you. I don't care if you don't like me back, bu-" I cut him off this time. Our lips melted together and if felt like there was nobody in the world except us.

I didn't even notice, but James had opened the door and now he and Sirius were staring.


"Cooties, James! Cooties! Retreat!"

I hope you liked this. I noticed that there weren't enough books giving love to the Marauders. I love them though. Peace!

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