Draco x Reader

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Pretend you wear glasses if you don't wear glasses normally.

I was walking down the corridor with piles full of books in my arms. All about potions of course. There was going to be a test in the class next week, and I needed to study. I sucked at potions. And I'm a slytherin!

The tower of paper and leather within my arms was wobbling and I felt like my knees were going to snap in two because of the pressure. I was guessing where I was going; I couldn't see over the top of the pile. All I needed to do was get to the common room and I'd be good. 

But, of course, that didn't happen. Instead, I was ran into.

My books flew into the air and I crumpled to the floor, my glasses falling off in the process. 

"Sorry," someone mumbled as I scrambled to find my glasses and to pick up my books.

"It's alright," I said. "Do you see my glasses?"

"Yeah, they're right here." I heard something hit the floor and shatter. "Uh oh."

"What was that?"

The person grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Your lens broke. It fell out of the frame."

"Crap! How am I going to get to the common room?" I exclaimed. "I can't exactly see the way there. What house are you in?"

"I happen to be in slytherin, just as you are," the person said. "I can get you to the common room. But do you have an extra pair of glasses or anything?"

"I have some in my dorm." I was thankful that I had brought two pairs with my to Hogwarts. I stuck my hand out in front of me toward the blurry figure of a person that was helping me. "I'm Y/N L/N."

"Cute name," the person said, shaking my hand. Their hand was smooth and soft, with a muscled edge to it. I wondered how expensive their lotion was. It probably costed more than my life.

The person put their hand on my back, giving some of my books to me while they carried the rest, guiding my towards the common room.

"Aren't you going to tell me your name?"

"You'll know once you get your glasses on. There's no reason for me to waste my breath."

How arrogant.

"Okay then."

They pushed me forward, an arm around my waist. I was warm as I was pressed into the person's side, nearly in their robes. The person smelled nice, like green apples and spearmint. Maybe a hint of hawthorn wood from their wand.

"Do I know you?" I asked. 


"Do you know me?"

"Yes. But we've never spoken. Well, there are no conversations that I can recall."

"Then how do you know me?"

"We are in the same house, you know," they said sarcastically.

"You sound really girly. Are you Pansy or something?"

"That hurts," they whined. "I am not a girl. And definitely not a hideous one at that."

"So you're a guy," I said. "That rules out some people. But then again, I have no friends in our house so I honestly have no clue who you are."

I felt the person's breath near my ear, and as they spoke, I felt their lips press against my flesh. "You could call me a secret admirer, I guess."

"You like me?"

"Possibly, but now is not the time to talk about that. We're here."

The person gave the painting the password and helped me step inside, leading me into the common room and up towards the girls' dorms.

"Which dorm is yours?"

"Do you know Pansy's? She's my dorm mate." 

"Yes. I know where that is." 

They led me into the room and I heard the door shut behind us.

"Where's your glasses?" they asked.

"You see the bed on the right?" I thought of the room's positioning, recalling where my things were. "Look in the drawer beside it, they should be in a black case."

I heard the sliding of the drawer and some ruffling. "Found them," they said.

They walked back over towards me. 

I held my hand out to take the case but it was pushed away. Instead, I felt the person's body press against mine and their lips fall against my own. The kiss was soft and sweet, as if the person was saying goodbye and hello all at once.

Then, it was over, and I felt the case of my glasses being pressed into my palm.


The person took my books from my hand, having already put the others down when they grabbed my glasses. While they put them down, I took out my glasses and slipped them on, seeing the world become clearer.

The person's back was to me and all I could see was blond hair. They turned around and my mouth fell open. Who knew that my crush would be the one to lead me here and kiss me, all while helping me find my way?

I took in a breath. "Draco?" I whispered, taking a step closer towards the man.

"Hello," he said, waving shyly.

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