Young! Remus x Injured! Reader

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My head hurt. My stomach was churning. I felt like a million Nargles had crawled into my brain while I slept.

Then, I noticed I was in the hospital wing. Confused, I though about what had happened before. My memory was fuzzy, but I remember getting hexed by Lucius Malfoy.

A face popped up in front of mine. Remus. My boyfriend.

"Hey, Hun," he said softly, placing a piece of chocolate in between my dry lips, kissing them lightly after doing so. I nibbled on the sweet in my mouth, watching him silently.

I tried to talk after I had eaten, but all that came out was silence. My eyes widened in panic and shock.

"Y/N, calm down." Remus brushed a strand of hair behind my ear. "Madame Pomfrey said that you're voice should come back in a week, okay? I'm right here."

I nodded, tears welling in my eyes.

What had happened?

"N/n, you'll get out of the infirmary soon," said Remus. He kissed my forehead as I sat, tears streaming, unable to talk.

The giant doors of the hospital wing creaked open, James and Sirius walking in.

Sirius came and sat beside me. "James and I hexed Malfoy back, if it makes you feel any better."

I smiled. You can always count on an older brother to take care of a bully or problem.

Thanks, Bro, I mouthed to Sirius before he got a confused look on his face.

"Remus, what charm did Malfoy use on my sister?" Sirius asked becoming more serious.

My boyfriend pursed his lips. "Silentium."

"Ugh, that b-" I slapped my hand over Sirius' muzzle before he could finish, as James began to walk over from Madame Pomfrey's office.

"Hey, Mini-Dog," James said holding up a potion in his hand. "I got you something from the nurse. It'll help your voice come back faster."

I nodded and took the small vile from his hoofs.

Drinking it, it tasted like polyjuice potion, and trust me, it tastes horrible. But it felt like fog was removed from my lungs and I could breathe easier.

"So? Did it work?" I said clearly, smiling. Remus hugged me.

"Sure did, Hunny-Bun," he said smiling, placing his head in the crook of my neck.

I smiled and kissed his hair.

"Can you two save that for after your married? Like, it looks like Y/n just had a baby and Remus is hugging her and... Yea. Do you see it, Prongs?"


"Now, I have one thing to say," Sirius said.

"Sirius if you're telling us to use protection... You've already had that talk with me.. very terrifying," I warned.

"No; that's not what I was going to say." He cleared his throat and began to run from the room, along with James.

"Cooties!" they screamed at the exact same time, running straight into the door.

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