The 'New' Emerald

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"What's up with you people knocking me out?! Geez!" Emerald yelled. "There, all finished!" Slender said. "Finished with what?" She said, worried of what she did. "Look for yourself." Emerald got a new look. She looks a little more tanner than she originally was, and she has a little emerald on her cheek, but the part that was the worst to her was when she looked and saw her eyes were a little less brighter than they were. She also felt different inside. "Okay, now for the hair." She was terrified. "Why my hair?" She asked. She had long, light brown hair. "Relax I'm just gonna add a small little detail." And that was a green streak of hair. "Wow, this really is a change." She said. "Ok, now for training, these are going to be some years." Emerald was shocked. "Years?!" She said. "Yup, now go." He said. Great just great. Little did Emerald know hat that was only temporary for her now.....

Nine years later....
Emerald is now thirteen now and she has certainly changed. "Sup, so did you snap yet?" Jane said. Like usual, out of nowhere. "No, I haven't. And I don't want to." She said. "Dude, last time natalie shoved a clock in her eye because she did. We need to see how you would do and when you snap, just please don't kill yourself in the process." Jane said. "Yeah, I don't think that's gonna happen." She said. "Okay, but last time you said you wouldn't do something suicidal or something around that you-" "that was five years ago. Drop it." And Jane got quiet. "Ugh, whatever don't I need to go to a school or something?" Emerald asked. "Yeah, I think you need to get enrolled into a school. You may be living with us, but you still have to attend school. Good luck with that." And she left. "Whatever. And they never enrolled me into a school before so this is gonna be quite interesting." And Emerald just sat on her bed. Great a new school with people that are gonna make fun of me because of something about me, I just know it. What if I just snap? Will I get arrested? And if I do, what will happen to the others? Well tomorrow's gonna certainly be interesting.

A/n: Again, I am sooooooo sorry that this chapter made no sense or if you didn't like it. I was kinda going through writers block in the middle and i just hope that next chapter won't be like this, so hope ya enjoyed (even if you didn't, I PROMISE you that the next one will be a bit better.) that's all for now, byeeeeee!!!
- Adamur-mur

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