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Emerald was ready for her next mission and she finally got it. It took slendy long enough. She thought. Her mission was like any other, a murder. "Now, let's see. A dude and they want him killed by tonight. Seems easy enough." She said to herself. She packed and like usual it was poison, knife, and anything that she can kill with. Now for the look. "Let's see, it's party and I'm going as a guest at the party his parents are throwing. I should have him killed the first hour I get there." She said. She took a quick look at the file again. The male looked the same age as she did. They want me to kill a teen, well a preteen? He's not that bad looking. No, wait. I have to kill him, I can't like him. But he has hazel eyes! Oh my god what is wrong with me?! Whatever. Just kill him you don't know the guy. Wait, what's his name? And she looked at the file and scanned it once more. Cheren, nice name. Whatever it won't matter when you're dead. And emerald walked out sneaking around hoping that nobody sees her.
Finally! Geez, that was a long run! And in this dress to. And she walked in looking for her target. "Sorry Cheren, hope you had a nice life here on Earth." She muttered. She grabbed the poison from her purse and his it within her dress. She was looking around and she bumped into something. "Sorry." A voice said. And she turned around and she just froze. Her target just bumped into her. That's Cheren?! Oh my god he's even cuter in real life! Snap the heck out of this remember that speech about death? Yeah, don't let that speech go to waste. "Hi! It's nice to meet you! I'm Emerald! Your parents invited me!" She said. "Nice to meet you. I'm Cheren." He said. Right, now for the murder. Yay! His pain and hearing him suffer is going to be like music to my ears~! "Uh, hey could you help me find the bathroom? I kinda get lost." she asked. "Uh, sure follow me." And he walked Emerald to the bathroom. "here we are now, if you'll excuse me I have to greet the other guests. " He said as he opened up the door. Stupid idea Cheren. Emerald kicked him into the bathroom. "Sorry it had to be this way. " Emerald said as she started twitching. "Your life is like a song, it's going to end like a song, slow and quiet." She grabbed the syringe and the poison. "What the he-?!" and she injected the poison into him. She wasn't finished yet. She was going insane again. "Sorry, it had to be done,. If it helps you were cute though." She said starting to twitch even more. She grabbed her knife and carved a music note on his arm and she also wrote: Your death is like the end of a song, slow and quiet. - The girl with the heart for music. She also stabbed him in the heart. Now to take my leave. She jumped out the window, onto a tree, she climbed down and dashed back to the mansion. When she got back she craved a music note on her arm. During the first few months she started living in the mansion she became fond of music and it helped her. And she figured she should have a little saying before she killed her victims and she wanted to sound cool. She climbed to her bed. Mission accomplished.

A/n: soooooooo sorry for not posting lately! I'm gonna make up for it in the next chapter! Also I'm sorry if this chapter want amazing, I know I'm saying that a lot lately, but that's because I have a bad case of writer's block. OK that's all for today! Byeeeeee!!

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