The beginning

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A/n: Hey guys, so anyways this is a competition and I'm in it with the following people;
And others so check out their stories and may the best creepypasta win guys! Now on to the chapter!

Blood was coming out from under the door. What's going on? Little four year old Emerald wondered. She slowly opened the door. She gasped at the scene. Blood was everywhere and her mom's head was on the floor while her body was probably somewhere in the closet as for her dad, his legs, arm and head were lying the on the floor while blood was coming from his eyes. "Okay, now this isn't a drill! " Little emerald finally managed to say.
Momma! Pappa! I gotta get away! Before I'm next! She ran to her room and grabbed a bag filled with things she put in there, in case this happened. "So this time it isn't a drill." Emerald packed her things and ran out the door and as fast as she could until she tripped over a root of an old tree near her old house. "The forest looks really scary when you don't have anyone to hug..." She said as she grew tired and started closing her eyes. But before she did she heard voices. Huh? Am I hearing things or are people really out here at night. Emerald held on to a knife that she packed along with some other weapons she had in my little dress. Heh. Like I'm gonna let them kill me, not a chance. My mom and dad might be dead, but that doesn't mean that I'm just gonna be an easy target. I've even seen many murders, I've seen worse than what happened to my parents. "Come on, are you sure that's the girl? She doesn't seem like a kind that would grow up to be a killer." A male voice said. "We'll see about that Jeff." This time it was a female voice. "Now are you gonna help me carry her to Jane and slender or what?" She said, this time sounding a little more annoyed. Ok, who the hell is Jane and slender?! No way am I gonna let them kidnap me. I 'woke up'. "Stay back!" Emerald shouted. The girl just smiled. "Oh, so she did hear us." She smiled. "Who the hell are you?!" Emerald shouted pulling out her knife. "Oh, how cute, she has a knife." The girl said and she kicked the knife out of Emerald's hands. Emerald just smiled. "Yeah, funny how you think that's the only thing I have on with me, I'm not stupid. I may be four but I do know how to use one of these!" She took out a mini katana she had in her dress as one of her 'emergency weapons'. "Wow, ok this is gonna take a little longer. Now Jeff!" And then Emerald was knocked out cold by the male. "Now we got her. Ya know she looks so much like doll when she isn't awake." The girl said. "Yeah, well let's see if she's as light as one clockwork." "Shut up Jeff, you have to carry her and make sure she isn't dead. It's your fault if slendy gets pissed that his future assistant is dead." Jeff just rolled his eyes.

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