Chapter 35

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Soooo sorry for the wait :c anyway, this chapter is longg, I tried explaining everything... and it's a little different from the others, it doesn't have much Lourena in it but I think you'll like it :] especially the end.. I already gave out too much, enjoyyyyyyy! :D


Zach's POV

I grinned as I saw Louis sprinting up the wooden stairs toward us. Could he even do that?

"Hey buddy!" I exclaimed, trying to be louder than everyone on the bleachers. "You were good!"

"Thanks," He said, fist-bumping me and Leo, his only friends that weren't on the football team with him. "Where's Lorena?" He asked quietly as he sat down next to me, where his girlfriend had been sitting until a minute ago.

I sighed, glancing at Leo. Louis had given me this task, to keep an eye on Leo while we watched him play football, just in case he starts talking to Lorena and says something about the dare. It was pretty rough in the first ten minutes of the game; he could literally not shut his mouth, so I had to sit between the two of them.

It was a good thing that our other two best friends who knew about the dare, Oliver and Rhys, were on the team, and currently playing with Louis. The bad thing, though, was that Leo had the biggest mouth of all three of them.

Sadly, that wasn't the only bad thing; another one was that people were starting to ask me about the dare, if Louis had already done it, blah blah. Like, how the hell did they find out? How did half of our university know that Louis was dared to have sex with Lorena?

"Zach?" Louis waved his hand in front of my face, making me snap out of my thoughts.

"Um, she's, she went to get us sodas. There she is, actually." I pointed to his left, and he immediately turned his head to search for Lorena, and so did I.

Since it was half-time, and we were thirsty, I 'allowed' Lorena to  go get us a drink. Don't judge me for being protective over her, I was scared shitless about her finding out about the dare. And I was beginning to sweat, so nothing sounded better than an ice cold can of Coke.

I watched Louis as he stood up, and put his arms around Lorena. She quickly handed me my can, almost ignoring me as she turned to her boyfriend, this time pulling him down to her so she'd kiss her.

Hm, nothing better than icy soda and soft porn during half-time.

In all honesty, I was really happy for Lou. He'd finally given up on his player ways, and plus, he couldn't have chosen a lovelier girlfriend. But sometimes, more frequently as days passed, their happiness would make me sick.

Don't get me wrong, but, what was so special about Louis? He's literally a mix of good looks, good grades and a soul that didn't seem to be that careless anymore.

You know what, just ignore that question; I'd literally answered it myself.

My point was, why couldn't I find someone as easily as him? Less than three months ago, he was known as the guy who slept with pretty much every girl he laid eyes on. And now, he was in an actual relationship with a girl who was beautiful, intelligent and downright perfect. Where the hell was I the entire time?!

Oh, that's right, playing soccer and video games. And while I loved doing that, the sight before me, aka Louis and Lorena almost making a little Zach, was making me want to get off my ass and find myself someone. Not just anybody, no... Someone I could talk to, mainly that. Someone that shared my interests, and liked, for example, the same music and films as I did. And of course, a looker wouldn't do any harm.

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