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So, I have no other explanation (besides the fact that I'm pure trash who is too busy avoiding editing my previous story and pretending to be researching for this one) to offer on the topic of my inconsistent uploads and super consistent "re-constructing" (like that's not even a word, I full on am inventing a word to describe my nonsense, ohhh how the "mighty" have fallen) of this story.

But what I will say is, here's the new prologue, and I believe it should be much better than the prior.

In any case, thank you for your patience and continued patronage to this story (does that make sense? I'm gonna pretend like it makes sense...). I hope you find what I upload here after will be of much better quality than what was provided before, and, you know, worth the wait, and all that.

Anywho, back to the good stuff, the stuff you're here for, the stuff you probably skipped over this part to get to already; the story.

Shy. B


Once upon a time, or rather, before time, there was a girl. Or rather, an idea of a girl; more precisely, the first girl; more specifically, the first being. In those days, rather, on the first day, there wasn't really a word for "girl" yet, nor much detail of what that was, as the girl had only just began existing, and it is very difficult to understand precisely what, or who you are, let alone all that you are capable of, when you have only just been born. Although, to confess the truth, "birth" might not be the best word to describe the girl's creation. She came from no mother, nor a father, but from Him.

    And no, her name was not Eve, at least not yet, not in this life.

    Just to be clear She was not made from His ribs either, how could an entire being be made from some ribs alone? Nor was clay necessary. She was made of Him just as He was made of Her; they were, in the beginning, the one and the same; the Only. If She was to describe herself, or rather Her previous self, it would be in those words, Only. In the beginning, there was not a She, and He did not exist, simply Only. Like an endless loop, a perfect circle wherein it could not be discerned where She began and He ended, or if She was truly She and not Him, just as He could not say for certain if He was truly himself and not merely Her. Together they were all the other could see, all that existed to be seen. They were Existence in entirety. The Only. At least, They were. At least, that's what They believed They were.

    As the day turned into days, Their understanding grew, as is inevitable with any being. First it began with a feeling, a mere whisper of a caress, a soft sound, a wafting, inviting aroma that left some craving of a certain taste, until finally; She turned, and He did not. So you see, it was not a birth of flesh, nor a creation of bone and clay. The price for Her life, was much dearer than that, for what is Life without Love? Unknowingly, She had began a quest to find out. Her heart and soul utterly divorced from her Beloved, Life began anew, with just two arms and legs, two eyes, one nose, one brain, and a single heart, whose beating rattled and echoed in a chest with more than enough room. Nearly too much.

    And so Life found a way, as She always does. Exploring the world anew, she found joy in the smallest of wonders; the way the dirt felt under her toes compared to sand and water; how the arms of the sun reached across the sky in a blazing embrace; the whispering giggles of the leaves as the breeze caressed and tickled the arms of their trees; the stern beauty of the mountains, whose faces glistened and glittered in the morning sun, as it's rays light up their snow-topped peaks. And yet, the size of the mountains; the depths of the oceans; the grains of sand from every beach; every leaf from every tree, bush and twig; and the reach of the sun's rays could not fill her heart. So Life found creatures that could live in the dirt, and create nutrients for trees to bear delicious fruit to feed the creatures She found to live in their boughs and branches; creatures to eat the leaves so their bountiful offering would not be wasted, but returned to the dirt whence it came; creatures to soar with the wind, building homes up high in the branches that it's breeze frequented; creatures that changed as Life herself did, adapted to each of Her new worlds as She readily explored the breadth of possibility. Yet each new discovery could not fill Her heart that rattled in a chest far too large.Far too lonely.

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