Chapter Two

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WooowEEE, another post coming atcha!

Except not really because this chapter was already heavily featured in "the Prodigal Wolf," so most of y'all who are reading this probably already read this specific bit before. So I thought, what the hay! Its already written and already to go, why not post it? You basically already did. 

Once again, I feel the need to remind that these frequent updates will not really be a habit, I go as the creative flow takes me, for the most part. Right now I am super pumped about writing this story, I finally feel like I know where I'm gonna take it, and how it all intertwines with "the Epic of Meiri," but I also realize I really need to finish editing "the Prodigal Wolf." I mean, the Watty's for one thing, and also to tighten up any lose strings in Natalia's plotline before it becomes weaved into Aure's. I don't want to go untangling two stories because I decide to change a small detail in one that then dominoes into another. 

Also I am starting my big girl job in a week, because baby gotta eat. 

I think I'm gonna do a twice a week schedule--you know synchronize the creative flow with the high of payday, but I'm gonna have to see how that all plays out in real life. 

Anyways, enough of my babbling, 


{Chapter Two}

As Aure peered in through the restaurant's window she wondered once more if she should call the whole thing off, turn around and indulge in the ice cream shop a block away to fill the time she would have spent anxiously binge eating the breadsticks to avoid the first date small talk. However a loud beep from Meiri, who was still in the idling car waiting for her friend to go inside and meet the possible love of her life (as Meiri put it earlier), ended that train of thought. After spending most of the afternoon choosing Aure's attire, nitpicking at her make up and even doing her hair, Meiri would never let Aure hear the end of it if all her effort was for naught. "You got this girl!" Meiri called encouragingly through the car window with a flash of a smile and two thumbs up.

Aure nodded unconvincingly as she trudged through the door, into the warmth of the restaurant and away from her embarrassing best friend. As the hostess led her to the table, Aure nervously chewed on her lip and thanked the Mother that her date hadn't arrived yet, allowing her to choose the chair facing the door and quickly order a drink to calm her nerves. When she was properly situated (cardigan draped over the back of her chair, reflection checked for any stray lipstick, a quick breath mint and a little squirt of hand sanitizer) Aure peered at the sleek screen of her phone as her fingers lithely pulled up Tinder.

Avi was six feet, two inches, worked at an animal shelter as the in house veterinarian, and volunteered as a reading buddy for underprivileged children on the weekend; on paper—-er—screen—-Avi was perfect. But when your favorite show is MTV's Catfish, like Aure's, you know every online profile isn't always what it seems. Internet identities and false advertisement went hand in hand in this new digital age. Aure had already copy and pasted Avi's dimpled face into Google's image search engine, and everything checked out okay, except from a seriously suspicious stock modeling phase, Avi seemed to be exactly who he said. Of course Aure still thoroughly investigated his Facebook profile five times this day alone, and could now recite the names of all three of his aunts names, their children (four of which were in universities at Charleston, Louisville and Upstate New York respectively), both uncles, all four grandparents and their pets as well.

As a result, as soon as Avi walked through the door, Aure recognized him immediately and he seemed much taller than six feet two. Granted Aure was only five one herself, so anything over 5'7 seemed like an ancient, looming sycamore tree in comparison to herself, however this Avi guy was a complete a skyscraper. Aure's neck ached even trying to imagine kissing him. A stool of some sort would need to be involved.

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