Chapter Three

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Here's chapter three, but again, let me remind you to not get comfortable with the frequent updates, still have no clue what my schedule is, and let's not forget the editing that needs to be done on 'Prodigal Wolf," (I don't wanna doooo itttttt, rereading my writing makes my eyes bleeeeed) happy news google translate is still crap as heck and I am still monolingual as heck, so at least some things are constant.

Been trying to cut down on "cursing" as apparently it's not "professional" or "attractive."

Nah, jk, it's only because school is about to start soon and ya girl woks with elementary students. Yeah, that's right, people trust me with they're children! I'm like super responsible and reliable, just not in my creative life or my love life.

I'm such a flipping Gemini.


P.S. also might feature some artwork in a gallery this fall...if I can ever finish some of my pieces...I'm so cliché...

{Chapter Three}

    "This is insanity!" Aure yelled as she marched down the street as quickly as she could. However Avi's, er-Avernus' wide, lazy stride could easily keep pace with Aure's much smaller one, despite the way she weaved in and out through the busy downtown night crowd that stumbled drunkenly out of one bar and into the next. "Y'all are supposed to be extinct!"

    Aure could practically hear the frown in his voice as Avernus replied, "Well that's rather rude, we are very much not extinct, despite the several wars which have eviscerated our overall populace."

    "Well, no one has seen you in nearly a millennia!" Aure shouted as she turned on her heel to deliver the most withering gaze to the giant sidhe king trailing behind her. "Do you even know the amount of covens utterly destroyed during the Burnings, so sure that their sidhe deities would appear from thin air and deliver them from the flames of the stake? Do you even know how long they burned for? How long the stench of witch flesh haunted the streets of man? But none of you showed. Of course we would think you were all dead, or rather, hope. It's much easier to believe that than that your "gods" have abandoned you!" She gasped for breath as she continued to glare at the man before her. Then she remembered the curious gaze of the intoxicated bystanders watching the spectacle before them. Swallowing an aggravated scream, Aure turned and shouted over her shoulder,"and stop following me!" she shook her head in disgust as the faerie "king" continued to follow in her footsteps, despite the profanities Aure muttered under her breath.

    "MEIRI!!!!" she hollered as she took the stone foot path up to the cottage two large marble slates at a time, "WE NEED TO TALK!!!!!!" Before Aure could get to the last syllable of her friend's name, the front door swung open and revealed a groggy Meiri, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

    "What's with the racket?" she asked through a yawn while Aure hurriedly stepped through the doorway and quickly began to push the door closed, despite the sidhe king's toes attempting to wedge it open. "Wow, whats going on, you're gonna break the guys' toes—Aure?"

    "HELP ME," Aure grunted with effort as she pushed against the door with all her strength.

    "Really, we must speak, it has been foretold, please, the future of wild magic relies upon our marriage!" implored the variable giant on the other side of the door intercepting his destiny.

    "I would have to disagree!" Aure snapped, whipped her face towards her friend she begged, "HELP!!!! He's insane!"

    "I must protest! I am of sound mind, quite suitable to rule as your betrothed! Please, stop resisting! I assure you, I am not insane!" interjected Aure's date from outside.

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