⇉ two

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two - The First Day, Oh Great

Ah, a New York morning.

The sun was out, brighter than ever and the skies were a clear blue. It's a type of day meant for a nice sleeveless top or a flowy dress.

There were birds chirping as they fly past the windows and cars honking in the distance.

It was a morning for the streets to be busy with people who need to go to work, school or those who just simply needs the exercise.

This morning was a pleasant one, because your alive and your awake. It's a blessing, and your starting off on a new day.

What more could that bring?

''Get Up!'' Marvin Yells.


Other than the struggles of having to deal with a Ryan Collins; also known as not to be a morning person.

Marvin marches over to her windows, ripping the thin fabrics away from the clear glass.

Ryan let's out a hiss of the sudden brightness as she pulls the blanket over her head.

''It's the first day'' He says with a struggle in his voice as he pulls his daughter by her foot.

''Why can't you just let me be?'' She exclaims, holding on to the wooden structure of her bed.

''Because it's school, you need an education, you have friends who can't wait to see you and- Damn It, Ryan, I Have To Go To Work!'' He snaps on the strong will girl whose lower body was laying against the cold wooden floor.

She shrieks at the temperature and climbs back into her previous position. ''But it's so cold.''

Marvin gets back up from the floor and drops his weight onto his left leg, letting out a nosey breath. ''If I come back in here in five minutes and your still in bed, I'm getting the spray.''

''Oh my god'' She groans at him as he walks out of her room, slamming the door behind him.

Hey, welcome back New York.

× × ×

Her insides grew warm and her palms began to sweat as she walked down the empty corridor of John Quincy Adams middle school.

Everyone was in class, meaning the second she walks in, all eyes will be on her.

She could get stares of admiration, hatred, curiosity and that's what was scaring her.

But what grew more of the burning feeling in her stomach was that Cory Matthew's was going to be her homeroom and History teacher.

Also the father of an old friend to Ryan Collins.

Her heart began to race and she hasn't even stepped foot into the class yet but her cheeks began to feel hot with flush. Her body screamed at her to sprint out the building but she stood there, peeling the skin off of her bottom lip.

'I never told Riley or Maya why I left New York. I never even told them when I'd be leaving. Instead, I just let them wait and wait for me day after day wondering where I was.. They never even knew I was going to leave.'

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