⇉ three

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three - Another Day, Another Dollar.. Not Really

It's hard to face the truth, but once it comes out, it's hard to face the reality.

Everyone is or has been lying of something at more than one point in their lives.

Usually, when we find out the lie, is to ask ourselves, why did they do it? Not only to us, but to themselves?

When someone lies, it's always to hold our secret, in which our secret is the truth.

But when you tell someone your secret, it's no longer a secret.

So when the truth comes out, it seems to make reality either a little more harder or a little more different.

Now take a moment, and take a deep breath. Think about those who could be lying to you, and you wouldn't even know.

Think about those who you've been lying to, and ask yourself if they figured you out or not. If they have, have they said anything yet, or are they just waiting to make you look stupid?

Ryan furrows her brows as soon as she enters the room, witnessing another student frantically climbing over a series of desk and dashes out of the classroom through the back door.

Mr. Matthews looked away from the door to his daughter, dumbstruck.

''Oh, look, dad!'' She exclaims, pointing to the brunette who was watching the scene with amusement. Of course that diminished as quickly as it came. ''Ryan, is late.''

He turns to her with the same tighten and confused features, causing Ryan to tilt her head to the side as he almost crept his way over to her.

He takes the note she was handing him, reading out, ''Please excuse Ryan Collins for being late.''

He looks up with a cocked brow. ''Why were you late, Ms. Collins?''

She purses her lips, her gaze shifting from the note in his hand to his skeptical stance nervously as she thought of a believable reason to her tardiness.

''I just woke up late, you should know me by now, Mr. Matthews'' She half jokes with the shrug of her shoulder.

''Yeah, I do know you, Ryan'' He waves the small piece of paper in the air. ''I know you so much that the only time you forge your father's signature is when you do something he doesn't know about.''

Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and her ears felt hot.

Ryan fixes the strap of her bag on her shoulder while mumbling, ''Do we have to do this now?''

He followers her gaze as he turns around to his students, who were watching the two intently.

He let's out a breath, looking at the dull brown eye girl with defeat. ''Take a seat, Ms. Collins. If your late to my class the next time I have you, you'll be getting detention.''

× × ×

Her lightly colored brunette locks swift into another direction as Ryan removes her head from inside her locker, looking from down the hall as a group of girls turned a corner.

She slammed her mustard yellow locker shut and followed after them, wanting to see what the commotion was about.

Fortunately, the walk wasn't long as she thought it was, when she sees a group of girls standing over Maya and Riley with wide eyes and grins.

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