⇉ four

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four - If These Walls Could Talk

Anyone can give up, it's the easiest thing in the world to do. But to hold it together when everyone else would understand if you fell apart, that's true strength.

That's something you would say Ryan Collins had, which is why she kept on keeping her mother's death a secret from the world.

A world that involved Riley Matthews and Maya Hart.

She didn't want them to see Ryan as a weak little girl who lost her mother and ran away from her problems.

If anything, she'd rather be known as a mystery.

As Ryan walked into the kitchen to grab her left over Hershey cookies and creme bar from the fridge, she was put to a halt when her father walked in.

''Can't talk right now, I'm gonna be late for school'' She informs him in a hurry while stuffing a piece of the candy in her mouth.

''Then I'll drive you'' He says as she rushed past him, lifting up his keys to announce the jingling sound it made.

Ryan features drop and slapped her arms against her sides. ''Okay, what did I do this time?''

'Dad never offers to drive. If I'm late to school, it's on me, that's how it goes on a daily. When he does offer, it's because I done something wrong.'

''All you've done since we got back, is done homework, listen to music, watch reruns of Teen Wolf, eat and sleep'' Marvin shakes his head. ''And when I ask about your day, you just tell me about the lunch menu!''

Ryan rolled her eyes. ''It's only been four days, what's your deal?''

His eyes budge when Ryan's attitude changed drastically.

''My deal is that your stuck in the house. Where are your friends, Ryan? Don't you have a life to live that doesn't revolve around Teen Wolf?''

''Oh, I'm sorry'' She scoffed, dropping her weight on her right leg as she crossed her arms across her chest. ''I'm sorry that I'm not running around in the streets at the darkest hours having sex with strangers or selling drugs. Because if you want, I'll gladly do so, if that means you'll get off my back!''

Marvin shakes his head. ''I don't want you to do any of those things! I just want-''

''Riley and Maya, yeah I get it'' Ryan mutters. She looks away and pulls back at the roots of her hair.

''You know,'' She licks her lips. ''If mom was here, she would have asked what was going on instead of forcing me to a solution.''

Marvin's features dropped as to realizing what Ryan was saying would be true. ''Ryan-''

''I'm good taking the train, thanks'' Ryan speaks over him, storming out of the house, forgetting her keys on the kitchen counter.

× × ×

Ryan followed from behind Maya and Riley as the trio entered Mr. Matthews class as soon as the bell rang.

''So,'' Maya starts. ''You don't want anything to change?''

''No, I don't like change'' Riley says as her and the rest of the students take a seat. ''Change fills my pockets with pennies of uncertainty.''

''Alright, so'' Matthews calls up from the front. ''Should we actually, finally learn about what happened in Belgium in 1831?''

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