⇉ fourteen

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fourteen - Catch Me When I Fall

Ryan followed from behind Riley down her steps that next morning, her features flat in bitter as the other brunette announced, ''Cheerleading tryouts today!''

Ryan shook her head as the bubbly friend accidentally bumped down a missing step.

She looks up at the Matthews family who eyed her with a hopeful glance.

''I tried, I really tried.''

They all slouched with a groan.

''I have better control of my body now, and when my brain tells my arms and legs what to do, they try real hard now,'' Riley attempted to convince while Ryan took a seat beside Maya.

''This is gonna be my year, guys.''

''No it isn't champ- can I get some ketchup for my eggs?''

''Ry,'' Maya scolds.

''What?'' She exclaims. She turns to Riley. She was pouting. ''Oh, you know how I talk. If I tell you the cold hard truth, it means I like you and I don't want you looking stupid.''

Maya leans over and whispers for only the two to her, ''Not when she's gonna do it anyway.''

Ryan leans back and sighs. ''Okay, let me take a sip of my spirit potion,-'' Ryan takes a sip of her Orange juice and smacks her teeth. ''Ooh, I feel something, something bubbly and sparkly and shiny, ooh-''

Riley giggles as she watches Ryan stomping her feet repeatedly while shaking her body.

She stops all at once and smiles. ''You're gonna ace these try-outs, Riley Matthews. Nothing can tear you down!''

''Yay,'' She cheers, shaking her pom poms obnoxiously.

''Oh, okay,'' She mumbles as she watches her jump on the couch.

''Give me a Q! Give me a U! Give me an I-N-C--'' With all the terribly balanced choreograph, Riley began falling back and off the couch as she got to, ''Y!''

Ryan turns to her food with the shrug of her shoulders. ''I said, I tried.''

× × ×

    ‘’Great job, Samantha,’’ Riley clapped, encouraging the backward flips the blonde performed in front of Riley Matthews, Maya Hart and Ryan Collins that day in the gymnasium.

    ‘’Thanks,’’ She smiled, lifting her hand to high five Riley as Riley compliments, ‘’You’re the best.’’

    Riley dropped the smile once Samantha had passed and told the girls, ‘’She’s the worst.’’

    Ryan was gnawing on her bottom lip and arching her brows while Maya eyed her with wide eyes, as if the girl had three heads. ‘’She’s the worst?’’

    Maya lets out a sigh of disbelief as Riley began walking. The girls followed her as she spoke, ‘’Samantha’s the one I gotta beat to make the team.’’ Riley stops walking and turns to her friends smiling. ‘’I’m better than her, right?’’

    Ryan was distracting by Samantha who was, once again, passing by the girls performing another outstanding trick by walking upside down on her hands.

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