⇉ twenty three

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twenty three - Let's Try This Again






Maya bops her head. "How are we feeling today?"

"Well, I didn't cry all night."

Ryan rolls her eyes. It was officially the second day of school and the trio were down in their hole, looking between railings at those that were passing by in the hallways.

Maya nods. "That's good."

"Because I stopped when I passed out from crying," Riley harshly and quickly adds afterwards.

Maya contradicts her by commenting, "Well, you seem better now."

"That's where you're wrong."

Maya shrugs, not willing to give into much of a fight this morning. "Okay."

"But," The brunette perks up. "The seniors wanted us to stand here, watch what goes on and learn from it. They have their reasons."

Maya slants her lips to the side. "To make fools out of us? Mission accomplished. We're fools- we're fools without friends."

Ryan pulls away from between the railings and slaps her arms against her sides. "You know they'll come around. It just may take a little time."

"They made their choice," Riley argues. "They have started their high school careers without us and I wish them well."

"Yeah," Maya mumbles. "Maybe we shouldn't think about them today."

Ryan looks up from the ground after dusting herself off when she hears a faint sob erupt.

Maya turns back to Ryan with furrowed brows. Ryan points a finger at her and whispers, "Is she crying?"

"I hope that Farkle remembers that science can't explain people and he keeps himself open to love."

Ryan let's out a deep sigh just as when Maya asks, "You gonna do one for each?"

"I gotta pee," Ryan announced and made her way up the stairs. She dashed for the girl's room just when Riley confirmed her course of actions. However, when she ran into a lock door, I was clear that the bathrooms were locked within the last ten minutes of the day.

She moderately walked back to their hole to find Maya jogging back up their stairs with a small blue container concealing a brownie in one hand while the other held a grape flavored juice box.

"They're not really out of grape!"

Riley turns with a wide grin. "What a nice surprise!"

"How was your pee?" Maya asks as Ryan suited herself in the same position as the other two.

"More like how was the exercise I had to get to the bathroom only to find out that it's locked-" She turns to the girls with wide eyes. "Which was not at all a nice surprise, by the way."

Maya nods. "Glad we got that covered. Now where were we?"

Riley opens her mouth to speak until the blonde blurts out. "Oh wait! Lucas."

"I hope Lucas.. I hope Lucas..." Ryan was fiddling with her nails when Riley's features contorted with anger and she drawls out in this sort of demonic voice, "I hope Lucas has a very bad day."

"Atta girl, let it out," Ryan nonchalantly encourages.

"Gosh, you're cute," Maya chuckles softly. "You know what? I'd rather be a fool with my two favorite people than to be anything without you guys."

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2018 ⏰

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