A True Kiwi Story - Chapter One

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Chapter One

His eyes burned into mine as I starred up at him, close against his body, wrapped tight in his arms...


"Urgh!" I rolled over and shut up my alarm. "It was just a dream, again," I told myself repeatedly as I got ready for school. There is no way in a million years that he would go out with me.

"Aroha!" snapped my father from the kitchen "Hurry up and get down here or you will miss the bus."

Right getting my thoughts back to earth. I have to go to school. It's bad enough that it's the beginning of the week.


I arrive at school still with sleep in my eyes when I see my friends Rebecca and Quinn. I have known them since I was little. I meet Rebecca on my first day of day-care when I was three, she shared her banana with me. Quinn has been my friend since he moved next door to my dad and I when I was six.

"Yo Aroha!" yelled Quinn "Hurry up Period One is about to start and we have music."

Music was the most important class for me. I absolutely loved music. I had learnt guitar by the time I was eleven as I lived in a Māori family. Piano by the time I finished intermediate, bass and drums by the end of year ten.

"I'm coming bro," I called back as I picked up my pace jogging over to them.

"Kia Ora Aroha, nice of you to finally join us," joked Rebecca linking her arm through mine.

"Yeah soz sis, I was debating whether to go join the nerds or not," I responded as a joke.

"You wouldn't do that to your two besties would you babe?" asked Quinn straight faced.

"Never bro," I said punching him in the arm playfully.

"We better get going babe or Miss will attempt to get us to pick up rubbish along the Waikato and I have training later so I can't," stated Quinn pulling me along to class.

"Okay okay bro, Ghee one minute," I said turning to give Rebecca a hug good bye. "See ya at break sis," I called over my shoulder running to catch up with Quinn now.

"So... you seem in a jolly good mood babe," said Quinn questioningly as we walked in to the Music Department at school.

"Yeah bro just happy to have music first" I said between laughter.

Music and P.eE went by quickly with Quinn not leaving my side, since the schools popular bad boy said I was hot and Quinn caught him hitting on me. He doesn't think it's safe for me to walk around by myself anymore. Rebecca thinks it's really cute and sweet.

Quinn and I arrive at the front lawn just as the schools popular's start bugging our Māori group.

"They are so mean," said Quinn as his shoulders tensed "They are just stuck up Pakeha"

"Hey bro chill aye! They just have to respect for others," I mumbled into his ear as he bent down to hug me.

"Yeah if you say so babe," he said as he pulled me over to where Rebecca was sitting.

"Hey gal," she squealed ad she pulled me down to sit next to her.

"Hey," I whispered trying to get a breath.

"The others are learning their pepeha's" she said with excitement in her voice "I told them that you would recite yours to them. As you are a true Māori. So true to your culture."

"Yeah okay sis," I replied unsure of what she meant. Yes Quinn and I are Māori to the bone, but Rebecca is a true Pakeha.

"Yo she said she would do it. Come over now," yelled to the crowd standing not too far away.I looked over at Quinn who had an evil grin swipe across his face.

"What?" I asked him unsure of the way he was grinning.

"Oh nothing babe," he said still grinning "This should be interesting. Look at the group that is coming to hear, they are all Pakeha"

"Shit!" I exclaimed loudly, this wasn't what I was expecting.

I should have known that since Rebecca is a part of their group. They all sat down on the grass next to Rebecca, Quinn and I.

"Stand up and say it Aroha," someone yelled at me.

I stood up bravely. I didn't notice how large the group was when I was sitting.

"Shit," I cursed under my breath.

"Go on sis say your Pepeha" said Rebecca reassuringly.

"Okay, um... Ko Tainui te waka Ko Hoturua te rangatira. Ko Rakataura te tohunga. Ko Tararua te maunga. Ko Manawatu te awa. Ko Ngati Raukawa te iwi. Ko Ngati Rakau Paewai te hapu. Ko Motuiti te marae," I starred at the group, they were all stunned. They looked like fish with their mouths in a 'O' shape. "Did you'z understand that?" I asked nervously.

"Wow that was awesome!" squealed one of the bubbly blonde chicks. Everyone started clapping and whistling.

"You did good babe," said Quinn wrapping his arm around my waist. "Just brilliant!"

The large group got up and walked away until it was only Quinn, Rebecca and I left.

"Shit Aroha how do you do that?" asked Rebecca who still looked like a fish.

"Easy!" I exclaim. "I have known it since primary."

"Wow," was her only response.

Quinn stood up. "Hey babes as much as I know you love to gossip we should get going. We only have two more Periods of class until home since it's half day"

"Okay," Rebecca and I groaned in unison as we stood up linking arms.

"Want me to walk you'z to maths?" asked Quinn hopefully.

"Nah, but thanks bro I think we can manage" I said turning in the direction of the Maths Block.

"Okay. See you two lovely babes after school so we can go chill by my pool" said Quinn before running off to the English block.

"Let's go sis," I said to Rebecca as we walked off to class.

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