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I follow April quietly until we're outside a completely different building and the sky is getting seemingly darker.

Finally, she hides behind a box and stares at one of the robots going inside.

"April!" I whisper-yell.

She looks back at me surprised. "Did they come with you?"

"No, it's just me," I hide next to her. "Anyway, we're here already let's just be careful. Does that sound fair?"


We shake hands. 

The Kraang robots get inside their building and close the door behind them.

"There's gotta be a clue as to where dad is in there!" April says starting to get up ready to run. I grab her wrist and stop her.

"April, listen," I say. "We think ninja for this, got it? No noise, no anything. We stay hidden."

"I know," she says sort of like a little child who has just been scolded.

"Alright, let's go in through that window," I reply. I suddenly feel like a leader and then... I think of Leonardo.

Huh, that's weird. I never found myself thinking about a guy before.

But right now, the thought of probably finding my father in there is much more important. I open the window for April to climb in and then I go in myself. There are two robots in there conversing in their strange manner.

"Behind the boxes," April whispers when she tugs gently on my sleeve.

"Good thinking," I reply. We each hide behind a separate box and stretch our ear to hear what the robots are saying.

"Kraang will test the mutogen in the water supply in the city by morning," is all I'm really interested in hearing from the robots. I was expecting them to say something about the kidnapped scientists, but this does not sound good.

April and I exchange looks of fear and concern, and we realize that we have to get out of there to warn the Turtles.

"Okay, think ninja, think ninja," April says quietly.

I panic, though. Does she want to be found? I wave my hand and tell her to speak lower. She points at the window and I nod at her. But when she tries to get up, she accidentally makes a fire extinguisher fall noisily and she gasps. One of the robots heard us and starts making his way here, and April and I barely have time to hide behind another crate.

Still, we manage to evade the robot and we make our way back up the window outside of the building.

"What do we do now?" April asks.

"We tell the Turtles," I say. "They're probably gonna be here any minute now."

"How do you know?"

"It's dark already."

April looks up at the sky and giggles. "You're right."

I smile gently and she smiles back. Then we hear some noise.

"Hello?" I call out, hoping it's the turtles. "Guys?"

"Hello?" April calls out a bit louder. "It's us!"

Then, three turtle teenagers land in a square around us. First Michelangelo, then Leonardo, then Raphael.

I smile at the three of them, but at the notice of this number, I begin to ask, "Where's-"

A heavy robot falls loudly where the fourth turtle should be. 

"Donnie?" I finish, staring awkwardly at the robot. I look over at Leonardo. "Care to explain?"

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