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"Sara!" Splinter calls for me from inside the Dojo.

I rush in there. "Hai, Sensei?"

Donnie is in there too, and they are both smiling which calms me down.

"Donatello has developed a weapon that you might be more suited for than my other sons," Splinter explains.

Donnie walks up. "Yeah, it's this." He holds out a small metal prism, about the size of an average lipstick.

"Cool!" I yell.

Donnie stares at me blankly. "Stop being like Mikey and press the blue button."

I do so and immediately the prism starts transforming into a fine bow. Donnie gives me some smaller metal cylinders, which are the arrows (when those are fully transformed too).

"Whoa!" I yell honestly. 

"The point of this weapon is to have it concealed so that you may use it at times of most need," Splinter says. "It is always favorable to have more than one option, that way you can exert the ninja way of adaptation."

"And after running some tests, I found that the shape, weight and volume are prefectly compatible with your complexion and style of fighting," Donnie says.

I put the bow and arrows back into their portable form and bow to Splinter. "Thank you, Sensei." Then I hug Donnie, who has now become like my older brother (even though he's younger than me). "Thanks, Donnie!"

"Wait here, I will get the rest to begin training," Splinter says.

The rest of the turtles and April soon come into the Dojo. Splinter trains April while I'm in a free-for-all with Donnie and Leonardo. Pretty soon, Leonardo and I team up to get Donnie out of the way and end up fighting each other.

"I'm kinda tired, Sara," Leonardo says. "Why don't you just let me finish you already?"

"Aww, the baby can't beat me unless I give up?" I tease him.

He chuckles. "I'm just trying to save you some trouble."

"Now, where's the fun in that?" I say and charge at him. Our katanas clash, leaving me the chance to run my right leg over his two legs and making him fall flat on his shell. I wrestle with him and take his katana. He rolls over and takes out the other one and we duel together.

"Yame!" Splinter yells. "I am impressed with you two. If is harder for you to defeat each other every time you train. You are becoming more compatible. You should use that to your advantage."

"Hai, Sensei," Leonardo and I say at the same time.

We go to the living room when Splinter calls the training over and Leonardo is watching his favorite (dumb) show, Space Heroes. I sit spooning with Raphael while I watch him feed his pet turtle Spike.

"Hey guys!" Donnie says when he comes in with April. "Guess what we've been doing?"

No reply.

"That's right!" Donnie says happily and holds out a container. "Analyzing sewage!"

"Now who says you don't know how to show a girl a good time?" Raphael says sarcastically and pecks my cheek bone. 

Mikey chews on his pizza, as usual, and Donnie takes us back to his lab. "April and I noticed something in the water. It appears the Kraang are using processes to alter the composition of our water to make it more like theirs. We found this chemical concentration, which is really low."

"But it can and will get bigger with time," April says. 

"And I take it that's a... bad thing?" Raphael says.

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