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Everything is dark. Everything. Suddenly, I hear metal clinging and slowly approaching to me. I take out my Katana to prepare myself for whatever is coming.

And that something that's coming is Shredder.

I run towards him but just before I reach him, I become weak in the knees and fall to the ground. I try desperately to move, but nothing can help me get up. Dodging isn't an option either right now. I'm completely paralized.

"You shouldn't be with these pathetic freaks," The Shredder says.

I glare at his glowing red, evil eyes.

"But since you are, I will have absolutely no mercy!"

And he charges a blade directly at me.

I wake up with a loud scream and I'm panting heavily, sweating and trembling from the immense fear that the nightmare caused me. My door opens quickly causing me to yell again.

"Sara?!" Raphael calls out very worried. It's strange to see him without his red mask, but his emerald green eyes look just as fascinating.

I sigh and cup my face after seeing that it's him. "Bad dream."

He walks up to me and sits next to me on the bed, taking me in his arms and gently stroking my back. "You're safe now," he says quietly. 

I fall asleep in his arms.


Recovering from the attack with Shredder has not been an easy task. True, we're smiling and laughing again but I can feel that we are all still very scared. I've even sensed it a couple of times from the turtles with my telepathy.

But right now, it's time to go on a patrol.

"Where do you think you're going?" Splinter asks just before we go.

"On our evening patrol," Leonardo explains calmly.

"The last time you fought the Shredded, you barely escaped with your lives," Splinter argues.

"Yeah, but next time we'll be ready," Raphael says confidently.

"That's right," Splinter says. "You will be ready." He takes Raphael and performs an arm lock on him. "That is because you will not leave the lair until you are ready. No patrols, no games, no rest! Only training, starting today!"

We exchange looks of worry until Splinter rushes all of us over to the training room. We begin to fight each other repetitively, for hours. And this goes on for weeks, but I feel like we're all just becoming more weary every day.

Right now, I'm taking turns with Mikey to intercept Leonardo. All of us are extremely tired, even Mikey who always seems to be the most energetic. All of us are attacking weakly.

"There is no intention in your attacks!" Splinter scolds. "Do it again! Sara, you must use your telepathy!"

I nod and am trying as hard as I can, but that only tires me out faster.

"Sensei, we've been going at this for weeks," Leonardo says. "They need to rest."

"And you don't?" Raphael argues.

"No, I don't need a break," Leonardo replies.

"Well, maybe I'll give you one!"

Splinter strikes at all of us at once and knock us down. "If I was the Shredder, you would all be dead! He will not rest until he sees you lifeless!"

Mikey falls asleep on my shoulder and mumbles the word "pizza" when suddenly he awakes screaming, "THE SHREDDER'S HERE!"

"Mikey, relax!" I calm him down. "You're just having a nightmare."

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