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Leonardo hands me his little telescope to look over at the TCRI building.

"Why is there nothing going on?" I say, frustrated.

"I don't know," Donnie says. "According to the plans I downloaded, something was supposed to go through that portal, tonight."

"Whoa!" Mikey says. We glance over at him and see that he's playing a game on his T-Phone. "This game sure is hard to beat!"

"Mikey, focus!" Donnie says.

I hand Leonardo his telescope. "So what now, boss?"

"We wait longer," he replies. "With the plans Donnie found out of, we can't take any risks. Which means that we have to stay alert, Mikey!"

Mikey looks up at us and smiles like an eight year old who just got scolded for playing in the mud.

"Yeah," a familiar voice. "You never know what's gonna show up."

It's Karai, back to play a little more.

"Cute, Karai," Leonardo says. "But I'm not in the mood right now."

Karai takes out her knife and starts attacking Leonardo, who defends himself from her. 

"We don't have time for this," Leonardo says. "Guys?"

"BOOYAKASHA!" Mikey yells out just when he runs at Karai.

"Booyakasha?" She chuckles. "What does that even mean?"

"Nothing, it's just fun to yell," Mikey throws a nunchuck at her but she catches it and makes Mikey fall. Next, Raphael and I charge at her.

"Oh, it's so nice to see you again," she says.

"I can think of a list of people I'd say that to and you're definitely not on that list," I say.

"I missed you too, Sara," She keeps fighting me. "So how's Leo been doing?"

Raph grabs her from the back and flips her making her land flat on her back. "That's none of your business."

"Too bad," she says. "So the scrawny one mentioned something about a portal. Care telling me about that?"

"I'm not scrawny!" Donnie says. 

"Look, we're trying to stop an alien invasion," Raphael says, "so do us all a favor and get lost!"

"Alien invasion?" Karai says, a little surprised. "What's going on?"

"Maybe we already would have found out if you didn't keep getting in our way," I say and turn around when I hear something coming from the TCRI building.

It's a small, but dangerous Kraang ship.

"Which leads me to my next point," I say, "we could have stopped that ship if it weren't for you."

The ship starts to hover over the city in a manner that scares us all.

"Guys," Mikey says. "I think I need to change my shell."

And now, the ship starts coming towards us.

"I hope you have a plan to attack that thing," Karai says.

"Of course I have a plan," Leonardo says confidently. "Run!"

We run from rooftop to rooftop when the ship starts shooting purple lasers at us. Then we go down to an alley and hide there from the ship until it doesn't scan us anymore and flies away. Or so we think.

"Do you think it knows where we are?" Mikey asks.

Just then, the car we're hiding behind of is lifted by the ship, causing us to run. 

"We have to get underground!" Donnie says. 

"You guys skip ahead, I'll draw their fire," Leonardo says. He runs towards the ship gaving it shoot only at him while we uncover an entry to the sewers and go inside. Leonardo does too and we close the lid. From inside the sewer, we can see that the ship makes 

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