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"So you heard that Raphael admitted he has feelings for you?" April asks.

"But that's not it," I say. "Leonardo wasn't happy at that at all. And in fact I discovered my telepathy because of him, because I heard his thoughts in my head. And he was thinking that he coudln't put me in 'that' position. Do you think he has feelings for me too?"

"There's a possibility," April says. 

I sigh. "If he does, what am I going to do?"

"Relax, it isn't as bad as it seems," April sits next to me in our bedroom. "You should be enjoying this rather than stressing over it."

"I know, but to see Leonardo hurt... The leader, vulnerable..." I say. "And I don't even know how I feel about both of them. What if Leonardo doesn't even feel anything for me? But what if it turns into a messy triangle and something goes wrong and-"

"Sara!" April puts her hand on my shoulders. "You're stressing it too much. You're worried right now, and it's nice that you're taking both of them and their feelings into consideration, but the truth is that you'll only be able to tell the answers to your questions with time. But as you go by, don't worry too much, alright?"

I sigh. "Okay."

"First you have to find out if you do have any feelings for them or not, and for who, and then you'll think more clearly, alright? But that's not something you're going to find out in one second. Just relax."

"Thanks, April," I say and hug her. She hugs me back and it feels as though my own sister is listening to me.


The day after that, Splinter called me into the training room again, so now I'm running there as fast as I can.

"Master Splinter," I say when I kneel in front of him inside the Japanese decorated training room. "You called for me?"

Splinter is sitting down, as if he was meditating, with an aura of peace around him.

"I did, my apprentice," he replies and stands up, turning around to see me. "A vital step to mastering ninjutsu is to know your true self. This will probably take you years to do, but we must start now if you are to progress."

"I understand, Master," I say.

"Very well," he says. "I will guide your meditation. To begin, sit down and close your eyes."

I do as he says. I sit with my legs crossed and my back fully straight. I inhale deeply, and then I exhale as I close my eyes.

"Sit as comfortably as you can," Splinter begins. "Take deep breaths to clear your mind of all worries, of all anxieties. Have awareness of the space around you. Inhale..."

I inhale at his soothing voice.

"Exhale," he continues. "Do so at your own pace, and as you continue to breathe, feel your body. Feel the energy flowing around it, the way a river does to the sea. Start by feeling your body as a whole. Are you comfortable? Is there any part of your body that is uncomfortable? If so, feel free to change a position."

My feet, my legs, my hands and my back are feeling alright. I take another deep breath.

"Take another deep breath," he says. "Inhale... And exhale. And with that exhale, let got of everything that troubles you. Fill your mind with a positive vibration that will allow you to become one with the energy around you."

When he mentions my troubles, the first thing that comes into my mind is my father. Where is he now? What are they doing to him?

"Do not let negative thoughts block your mind," Splinter reminds, as if he had sensed it. "It is difficult, yes. But no matter how hard it may be, it is always possible to become a positive soul. And with another breath... Inhale, exhale... You are now ready to begin."

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