chapter 2 - meeting Mr. Popular

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After the teacher finally came to class I went up to his desk, and he spoke "Oh you must be Fran...Fran.." he stuttered. "It's Francesca" I said with a smile, everyone always says my name wrong, I'm kinda used to it now. 

"Okay, Francesca well it's lovely to have you here. I'm Mr. Riley" he said with a big grin on his face. "Now, class I would like to introduce you to a new student here at Pacific Pines High." he yelled, trying to calm the class down. "This is Francesca Rose" Mr. Riley said, I just stood there and waved awkwardly. "Right, now Francesca, would you like to go and sit down next to um...Courtney. Courtney wave your had in the air please" Mr. Riley said. I look up to see a really pretty, blonde and tanned girl put her hand up.

I made my way over to Courtney and sat down,"Hi, I'm Courtney" She said. I could tell she wasn't from around her either. "Hi I'm Francesca , but you probably already know that hah". I laughed. "Yeah, your not from Australia are you?" She asked. "No, I'm from England" I said with a smile. "OH MY GOD!!!" Courtney exclaimed. "Me too!" she stated. "Oh, cool what part are you from?" I questioned. "London, you?" she said. "I'm from Manchester" I said "Oh cool!" she said. We pretty much just talked , laughed and learned stuff about each other for the rest of the lesson. I could tell I was going to become good friends with this girl.  

After class Courtney lead me to my lesson, sadly she wasn't in my next class. As I walked into the classroom, the teacher introduced me to the class and said I could sit where ever I want. Luckily there was two seats that weren't being used so I sat down there. A couple minutes into the lesson I heard someone come in the door, I looked up to see that boy I bumped into in my last class.

"Late again Will" the teacher said. "Yep I am... Got a problem?" he answered, quite rudely. "WILL, DON'T SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!" the teacher yelled, earning all the students eyes on the two. "can you just shut up, your giving me a head ache!" he replied walking into take a seat. "DETENTION!" the teacher shouted. "fine, I guess I will be seeing you at break" he said with a wink, What a dick head I thought to myself. As he walked to take a seat our eyes locked, and a playful smirk was plastered on his face as he made his way over to me to take a seat. "oh no" I muttered to myself. "What was that?" he asked once he sat down. I really need to stop doing that. "Oh um...nothing" I replied and quickly went back to copying the notes off the board. "So, your new here then?" He asked, catching me off guard. "Y-yes I am... why?" I questioned, genuinely confused as to why he is talking to me. He didn't really seem that bothered to even say hi this morning. "Because, you don't sound like your from around here... Where are you from babe?" Will asked further, with a wink at the end... What the fuck. "England" I replied, not really paying that much attention to him due to the fact I had to copy notes. "Cool, w-" I cut him off there, he is really starting to bug me. First he's a prick to me, then acts all cocky and now he wants to know my life story? "Look, if I want to pass this class I need to get these notes down and would advice you to do the same" I paused "So if you don't mind me, I'm going to move... bye" and with that I got up and moved to the back of the room. I know what type of guy he is, the one that gets all the girls, bangs em' and dumps em'. I don't have time for pricks like him, I just want to finish this year off with no distractions and no drama's. I doubt that will happen but I'm going to try. 

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