Chapter 5- Last Period

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It was finally last period, all I wanted to do was go home and sleep but I still had 70 minutes left. 'ughhhh' I thought as I walked into the class room, I took a seat whilst the teacher blabbed on and on about something as I zoned out. I've been doing that a lot lately, I just can't get Will out of my head, I have so many questions just floating around in my mind just waiting to come out but I couldn't say them, I had to just keep them bottled up inside me. Knowing me though this won't last long, I'm going to end up blurting them out in my next encounter with Will I just know it. Speaking of Will I haven't seen him all day, not that I care its just... I don't know.. ughhh, forget it I need to listen to the teacher. 

Just as I was about to zone in I heard someone walk through the door, I turned around and to my surprise Will was standing at the door. Our eyes made contact and he began to walk over to me, 'Oh shit' I thought to my self. The teacher didn't make much notice when he walked in, due to the fact her back was facing us while she wrote notes on the board. Will sat down next to me and turned to me. Just before he began to speak I quickly jumped up and walked over to a girl sitting on her own, with a spear seat. "Is this seat taken?" I asked politely. "No, you can sit" She smiled back. Thank god, she is probably the only girl I've meet today that hasn't given me a death stare and ignored me. "Thank you so much" I said taking a seat and getting my stuff out. "Hey, I'm Angie aren't you the new girl?" she asked. "Yeah I'm Francesca, it's nice to meet you" I said extending my hand for her to take, which she did. "It's nice to meet you too, umm just to let you know Will over there is staring at you like your his pray or something " Angie said, giving me a sympathetic look. I guess she knew how this felt, gosh what if he broke her heart as well. I rolled my eyes and turned back and believe it or not, Will Johnson was staring me down. I quickly turned around and tried not to look back. "Gosh I've only been here for a day and I already have most of the girls hating on me and a man whore hunting me down" I said. Angie laughed "Most girls would die to be in your position right now there only jealous" She spoke sweetly. "I'm sure this has happened to you before, what did you do?" I asked trying to get some tips. Angie laughed once again, "OH MY GOD, FUNNIEST THING I HAVE HEARD ALL DAY!!" She exclaimed. "what?" I asked utterly confused at this point. "Will Johnson wouldn't even think about talking to me let alone do, well you know... Plus I am happily in a relationship of 2 years with my baby Jai" Angie said after she recovered from her laughing fit. When she talked about her boyfriend Jai she had this glint in her eye, she must really love this boy. "awww, how cute! I have to meet him" I said happily, I know I only just met her but I felt like I've know her forever, I feel like I can just act my self around her. "well, you can if you want I'm meeting up with my friend Melanie, her boyfriend Caspar and Jai. Do you want to come round to mine?" Angie asked. "Oh no, I don't want to intrude" I said with a smile. "No you won't be, It will be lovely to have you round" she replied. "Are you sure?" I said, unsure of what to do. "Of course I'm sure, you can just follow my car to my house if that's alright with you?" She asked. "Yeah sure" I smiled, going back to copy the notes off the board, glad that I made a new friend. 


As the bell rang everyone grabbed their stuff and scrambled out of the class room. I made my way out walking slowly with Angie, but when we stepped out the door Angie's phone rang. "Hello?... Yep..Okay.. See you there" she then hung up. "Francesca, something's come up I have to go but give me your phone so I can text you my address" she said, as I handed her my phone. "Alright see you in a bit" I replied as she walked off in the opposite direction. I began to walk again through the deserted hall way, but as I did something grabbed my arm pushing me up on the nearest wall. Just as I was about to scream, I look up to see those chocolate brown eyes, it was no one other then Will Johnson. 

"What the bloody hell are you doing?!" I shouted once I came out of my trance. "Francesca, just shut up and listen for a minute" he spoke. "Clock's ticking" I said annoyed, he just gave me the bloody fright of my life. He rolled his eyes and began to speak, "Your the only girl I have ever meet that has denied, ignored and then given me a minute to speak before, you know that?" He said with a hint of annoyance in his tone. "Yes, I am very aware of that... tick tock.." I said sounding more confident than I thought I would. At this point he looked beyond shocked, as was I. He still didn't say anything, but before I could even speak again Will had a big smirk on his face before doing the unthinkable... 

Will Johnson's lips came crashing down on mine and the worse part is, I didn't even push him away. What can I say one he was a very good kisser, his lip's were so soft and fit perfectly on mine and two I hadn't even given him a chance. What if the rumors weren't true, what if will was a really nice guys but people just didn't see that side of him? As our lips moving in sync, I finally came to realization of what I was doing, 'Oh my god, what am I doing!!!' I thought to myself. I quickly pushed Will of me and just ran. I don't know why I ran? There was way better ways to deal with that sort of stuff, but no... Me being me I just ran all the way out of school and to my car before zooming off back to my house. 

What have I done? 


Sooo, what do you guys think? 

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Briesha xxx

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