Chapter 3 - "Soccer?"

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Will's P.O.V. 

What. The. Fuck... How the hell did that happen? I have lived here my hole life and not once been turned down by a chick while Grooving her up. You see my friends Kyle, Wilson, Matt and I made this 'Grooving' routine kind of thing when we were in about grade10. It's kinda just stuck and it works really well... At least I thought it did. Anyway, what you do is you start asking the girl some stuff about where shes from, age and shit like that, then you tell them about something sad and made up and you act all upset and after you get your grove on... Start chatting them up tell her she's beautiful, then I personally use my charm and they fall for it, you bang em' and move on, It's not as hard as it looks, but this girl Francesca is the first I've met that hasn't fallen for it. 

She's not the usual I would go for, But She's hot! I needed a change anyway, I've always liked a good chase. Besides, she can't run from the charm for too long. I'm going to get her I know it, Because when I want something I will always get it in the end.

Francesca's P.O.V. 

 As I waked down the hall, with my head phones in listening to Ed Sheeran 'little bird' and on Twitter. I had a free period so I thought I might have a little wonder around. I was in my own little world humming the chorus, before I bumped into something hard, For god's sake I need to stop doing that. "Oh, sorry I didn't see you there... haha in my own little world" I said rather awkwardly. "Haha, nah its all good... Hey aren't you that new girl?" The mysterious boy asked. "Yeah, Francesca it's nice to meet you" I said extending my hand out, which he gladly took. "Cool name, I'm Nathan It's nice to meet you too" He smiled. "So... what are you doing in the hall way?" I asked, trying to make conversation. "Free period, you?" He said. "same..." I trailed off trying to think of something else to say. "So I think that there is a soccer game playing on the field, wanna come watch it with me?" He asked with a hopeful smile. "Soccer?" I questioned, what is it with Australia and there slang? "Oh My God!!! You don't know what soccer is? ... right your definitely coming with me then" He replied, grabbing my hand and dragging me off to the field. 

"This is soccer" Nathan said once he dragged me to the bleachers, I saw a black and white ball being kicked around from each team player. "This is not soccer! This is football" I said earning a confused look on Nathan's face, that was when realization struck. "OHHHH!!! Over in England we call soccer, football... That's why I didn't understand you when you said soccer" I exclaimed. "HAHA, you English people are weird!" He said. "Are not!" I replied, with a hit of annoyance. "Are too!" he shouted. This went on for a couple more minutes, us both getting louder and louder until someone interrupted us by calling my name. 

"Francesca!" The male voice called. I spun around to see Will jogging over, "Oh great" I muttered. "Francesca!" He said again, even though he had already gotten my attention. "What?" I asked irritated that he was here, I don't even know why just the look of him made me irritated. "woah, someone got out of the wrong side of the bed this morning... Maybe you should sleep in mine, I could get you into a good mood?" He said with a wink. That is what else irritated me about him those stupid comments. I haven't even know him for a day and I could still make a list of all the things I don't like about him. "If the only thing your going to do is make those stupid ass comments then I think we better go, come on Nathan" I replied starting to drag Nathan away, who was timidly standing behind me. What is it with the guys in this school? If their not all cocky and confident then their bloody pussy's! 

"Wait! we? Nathan?" Will asked looking dumbfounded. "Yes, Nathan we met each other in the hall a while ago why?" I asked now becoming the dumbfounded one. "Just asking... So you guys aren't dating?" He questioned. "No! what is this twenty questions?!" I asked. "Nope just checking you were still singe" Will said with a wink as he jogged away. Their he goes again with those annoying comments. 

Why did he want to know if I was still single? ... No wait! stuff that how the fuck did he know I was single!??? 

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! ... From now on I will be updating more often, but anyway what did you think? please share this! :) 

Briesha xx 

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