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It's a beautiful feeling when things feel complete.
Owen and I had a lot of arranging to do, and many people to talk to, but we were happy and in love and that's all that mattered.

Island life was definitely the way we wanted to stay, however that meant we had many different issues of raising a child here to sort out. We had decided to take things in our stride, and cross hurdles when we came to them. Life was too short to worry.

Having a baby scared us both shitless, but we had great friends, great jobs and most importantly we had each other, and quite frankly, that was all that mattered.

So this is it!! The end of Jurassic Love!!! Thankyou for reading if you've made it this far! I've enjoyed reading this and there is definitely going to be a sequel up tomorrow! Please vote comment and share lots of love Jessica xxxx

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