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"Get down here! Your going to be late for your last day of school!" My mother yells to me.

I get out of bed and change into my clothes. I slip my shoes on and grab my bag and rush downstairs.

"Adam is taking you to school" she says.

Let me tell you a little about Adam:

Full name is Adam Kane Brewer. Popularity in school on a scale of 1-10 is 100. Jock, jackass, jerk...etc.

What makes it worse is we've been neighbors since before I was born. My mom and his mom are close friends so...I have to deal with it.

I can never get my studies done with him as a neighbor. He has parties every other night and on the other nights, he brings home a girl. I think you can figure him out right about now.

"No thanks. I'll walk" I say.

"No, your not walking because last time you walked, you were chased by a dog" my mom says

"So? I had the good perfume on that day, you can only blame D&G for that" I argue.

"Adam is taking you. End of dissection" she says

"But-" I begin, but she cuts me off

"I said end of dissection" she says.

I roll my eyes and walk out the door.

I wait 30 minutes for Adam to finally show up.

"Why the hell are you late!? Class starts in 10 minutes. You live right next door" I shout, getting into the car.

"Hey, it doesn't take 10 minutes for all this to happen. Okay, it actually does" he smirks.

I roll my eyes, again, and Adam starts to drive.

I look out the window the whole way to school and basically rush into first period. And away from Adam.

"Miss. May, care to tell the class why your so late?" My teacher Mrs. Henderson asks, all eyes on me.

"Um...no" I say

"Great. Well detention after school. Take your seat" she says.

I quickly head to my seat and sit by my best friend Blair.

"Adam?" She whispers to me

I nod my head yes and write down the notes on the board.


"And you couldn't walk?" Blair asks me.

We grab our lunch and sit at our table with my other friends Peter, Miles, and Zoe.

"Nope. Stupid I know" I say

"What's stupid?" Miles asks

"You" Blair buts in

Miles gives Blair a look and I cut in saying...

"I had to get a ride with Adam this morning and I couldn't walk to school" I say

"Haha! Cuz of that dog!" Peter laughs.

I roll my eyes, ignoring his comment.

"Oh, and the best part is he has to take me home" I say, sarcastically

"Sucks to be you" Zoe says.

"Yea it does" I say.

With that, we talk about other things while finishing our lunch.


The car ride back home was horrific. Adam and I would constantly fight. He would be yelling at me saying how greatful I should be I got a ride from him and I say how he could have avoided this if he just let me walk.

He drops me off at my house and I walk in, slamimg his car door.

I walk in angrily. But before I can make it to my room, my mother stops me.

"Adam and Lisa are coming over for dinner" she says.

"What?! Why?" I ask

"Because we have things to talk about. And you and Adam need to be closer" she says

"I dont think 'closer' is the word I'm looking for" I say.

"Get cleaned up please" She says.

I don't argue. I know she is right about cleaning up. I have Adam germs all over me.


I hear a knock on the door and automatically know it will be the worst 2 hours of my life.

"Willow answer the door please!" My mother yells from the bathroom.

I groan getting up from the couch and answering the door.

"Just to be clear, I don't want to be here" Adam states.

"Just to be clear, I don't care" I say.

"Well hello Willow" Lisa says. Lisa is Adam's mom.

Lisa is a nice person, and his dad was nice. Where did Adam get all his shit from?

"Hey Lisa" I say

"Where is your mother?" Lisa asks

"Bathroom" I say.

Just as I say that, mom walks out and asks me to set the table.

When no one looks, I lick Adam's plate. Let's see how he likes his chicken now.

Durning dinner, I look over at Adam and see that he is rubbing his plate with his hands. He has no idea.

"Alright, Lisa and I want to tell you guys something" my mother interups my thoughts

I look over at her and she talks again.

"Lisa and I are fed up with both of your behaviors. So, we have booked a week vacation for the both of you" she says.

I spit my food out and five my mom my 'what the fuck' look

"Since its Summer vacation, you two will be spending a week together, on your own. You will be going to California's Coast" Lisa adds.

Adam and I look at each other.

I run upstairs and slam my door shut.

Never mind. The 2 hours they are here will not be the worst.

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