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A week ago, mom told me and Adam how we are going on 'vacation' together. I can't believe she didn't even bother asking me if I was okay with it?

Then again I can see why she didn't tell me...

But its still not far. I hate Adam and Adam hates me. That's it. And my mother needs to fix that because...?

I told Blair about his while situation and she thought my mother was out to kill me.

Which is a stupid reason, but then again I can also see where she is coming from...

It has been a long ass week and its time for my stupid vacation with jackass Adam.

I bring my suit case down the stairs and I see Lisa's car is parked in my driveway.

"Why are you making me do this again?" I complain to my mother.

"Because, you and Adam have been fighting since before dinosaurs walked the earth" she says

"I don't think that is necessarily true" I say to her

She gives me a glar "please do bit kill him when your in vacation. Just try to be his friend. For me?" My mother pleads.

I hate when she pleads. It seems like whenever she pleads, I always lose to her.

I let out a big sigh and say "fine"

She starts clapping her hands as if she just got a new outfit.

"Thank you sweetie! Now go, I don't want you to miss your flight" she says and practically pushes me out the door.

I walk outside and into Lisa's car.

Her little dog Benjamin is in the front seat so I am stuck in the back with Adam.

The whole car ride was full of dead awkward silence. The only sound I heard was the dogs breathing. Which trust me, isn't the best sound or smell in the world.

I get out the car and Adam and I walk to the airport. We have our passports ready.

Finally, after two hours of waiting and Adam's bickering our plane is boarding.


2 hours and 8 minutes later, we finally reach California.

Right when Adam and I get off the plane, we head straight to our hotel.

It takes a 15 minute car ride. Or which seems like forever, we reach our hotel.

After checking in, we get our keys and head to the room.

If you've ever dreamed about going to California and have a luxury hotel suite, then your wrong.

Sure it has nice things, but it only has one bed.

One bed people!

I'm not sharing a bed with Mr. Knocks-girls-all-night.

I'd rather sleep outside.

"That bed is mine" Adam snickers.

"No its not" I say

I then run onto the bed. As soon as I get on, I'm pushed off the bed by a evil smiling pest.

"What the hell?! I got that bed fair and square!" I yell at Adam.

"Then why is my ass on it and not yours?" He asks

I groan. I get off the floor and set my things on the couch I have to sleep on.

After a long day of unpacking and Adam's whining, its finally time for me to sleep.

I get myself situated and fall asleep.

I can already tell this will be a VERY bad vacation.


Willow may be the most annoying person alive. Or dead.

She thought I was going to sleep on the couch. Wrong!

Kings like me don't sleep on couches.

But, I so feel bad for not trying. My mom said to at least try to become Willow's friend. I don't like to disappoint my mother. Only because she grounds me for a month. But I will maybe try and be Willow's friend.

Let's see what this vacation will bring us.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: The picture above is of Willow's and Adams hotel room 😊





I don't know😂😂


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