Part 17

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The rest of the day, my heart filled with joy. The anxiety I felt when I first arrived in Japan melted away. The black and white world flushed with colour of certainty and happiness. My purpose was now my everything.

Levi and I texted throughout our classes. During business, I received a text from him, reading:

Brat, imagine if we were alone tonight...

My eyes widened as I read this. My heart jumped. Whatever heterosexual-ness was left inside of me faded away as I thought of what two boys could do together.

"Eren! Get off your phone!" my teacher snapped. My head shot up.

"Sorry, Miss," I said.

"Do I need to confiscate it?" she threatened. I shook my head. "Good, then pay attention." My teacher continued her boring presentation on income and profit.

I was so tempted to pull out my phone and text Levi, my boyfriend. God, it felt so good to call him my boyfriend. The screen of my phone lit up again. It was another text from Levi:

Imagine if clothes never existed...

He sure was horny today, probably because I was his now. This text made me imagine things I shouldn't be visualizing in a school setting. I zoned out again. Levi was being so annoying in the best way, making me feel like this. He was so fucking distracting!

I glanced around the classroom to make sure no one could see me pull out my phone to text Levi back. The coast looked clear, so I started typing.

"You're making me unable to concentrate, Captain" I said.

He replied saying:

What? The thought of me is distracting to you? Well, maybe you should think about dead cats. That always turns the switch off for me

I thought he was going to tease me more, but surprisingly he didn't. I tried using his method, and thought about dead cats. This thought quickly turned into the thought of adorable little kittens, and then escalated to imagine Levi with cat ears and a tail, half naked. I blushed, but I don't think anyone saw me. I put my binders on my lap, to ensure no one would see something they shouldn't have.

Next thing I knew, the bell rang. I awkwardly made my way out of the class, and out of the school.

I was halfway home when I saw Levi's car pull up beside me. He rolled down the window. "Hey, boyfriend. Get in," he said. I walked over and opened the passenger door to let myself in. "Did you like my texts?" he said, smirking.

"Well, uh, they were very distracting in class," I chuckled. I had my bag sitting on my lap, because the thought of what Levi texted me was still "distracting" me.

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