Part 2

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Today was my first day of school. I was really excited but nervous. My mom offered to walk me to school but I had to decline considering I'm 15!

I made my way to the school but I was late. I ran into my class. "Sorry I'm late, I didn't know my way around," I exhaled. The teacher gave me a strange look. "This is Ms. Witmer's science class, right?" I asked.

The teacher shook his head. "No sorry. That's down the hall," he replied. The class started snickering. The students must've been 2-3 years older than me. I turned beet red.

During my seemingly eternity of embarrassment, I made eye contact with one of the boys near the back of the class. He had raven black hair and piercingly cold eyes. He looked familiar.

"Do you need help getting to your class?" one of the girls in the front row said. I looked up at her, breaking my eye contact with the boy.

I nodded. "Okay, I'll help you," she said. She stood up and left the classroom, leading me by the hand.

The girl was tall and had dark brown hair with rectangular glasses. Her eyes seemed very wide and she was always smiling.

We walked about 50 metres to the left and we stopped in front of room 308. "Here it is," the girl said. "I'm Hanji by the way. If you need anything, I'll be sure to help. Any last requests before I go?"

I shook my head. Hanji smiled and walked back to her class. I knocked on the door and was greeted by a woman with blonde hair. She was my height and looked about 25 years old.

"You must be Eren?" she said. I nodded.
"Sorry I'm late. I got lost this morning." I said.

The blonde-haired woman, who I assumed was Ms. Witmer, brought me in front of the classroom. "This is Eren Jaeger. He just moved here from Germany. Be kind to him, he's new," Ms. Witmer said.

She sat me beside a boy with blonde hair and big eyes. "I'm Armin," he said, immediately as I sat down. I smiled at him. "If you need any help with homework or anything I've got you. My average is a 98%." he said.

"Wow, that's impressive," I said. Armin chuckled. "Do you want to hang out at lunch?" he asked me.

"Sure," I said. "That's very kind of you."

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