Part 15

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"Hi, Eren, sweetie!" Mom said as I entered the house. She was preparing food at the stove.

"Hi mom," I said.

"How was school today?" she asked. I set my bags down beside my chair at the kitchen table.

"It was really good," I said, remembering what happened between Levi and I. A smile took over my cheeks.

"Oh, really? What was so good about it?" she asked. Mom ran to the fridge to get more ingredients then stationed herself at the stove again.

"Well...I'm not really sure why, actually. It just was," I answered. I blushed because I was lying. I could've said so much more: that I lost my virginity, that I skipped school to be with Levi, that I finally got to be up close and personal with Levi's hot body. But I couldn't tell my mom any of this.

"Well that's good, honey," Mon replied. She served the food on plastic plates. It looked really good. "Thanks for supper, mom," I said. She smiled.

Once I finished eating I head to my room. My laptop was on my bed, calling for me. I opened it to see messages from Captain.

"Hey brat." The first one said. I scrolled down.

"I miss you." The next one read.  I replied to him:

It's only been like forty minutes! Do you need me that much?

I got an answer immediately. "Yes" it read.

"Well, what am I supposed to do?" I sent to him.

"Idk" he answered. I left my messages for a bit. I lied down on my bed and covered my eyes with my hands. Next thing I knew, I was asleep.

I woke to a slight tapping at my window. I rubbed my eyes then walked over to open my curtains. Levi was somehow crouched on my window sill like a cat. I opened the window for him. He slithered through the small gap and met me on the other side. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"You say that like it's a bad thing," he said. I looked down, feeling embarrassed. "I'm here because I missed you," he said. Levi kissed my cheek and walked to the centre of my room and started undressing. It took me a moment to realize what was happening.

"Why are you still wearing your clothes from earlier?" Levi said as he glanced at me. I looked at my clothes. "Oh, I completely forgot," I said.

"Well take them off so I can see your adorable body!" Levi said forcefully, yet jokingly. I stripped quickly. Levi walked up to me and hugged me from the side. "You're so cute," he said, resting his head on my shoulder. I glanced down at him, observing his shaved hair on the back of his head, and defined vertebrae.

Levi turned his head upwards to face me. He kissed me, then smiled. We got in bed and snuggled under the covers. We faced each other, smiling slightly. The darkness made the gleaming of his eyes even more pronounced than usual. I kissed him one last time, before falling asleep.

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