Part 3

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"This is where my friends and I eat at lunch. You're welcome to eat with us anytime," Armin said as we approached a large tree in front of the school.

"This is Eren, he's new," Armin said, introducing me to his friends. There were 3 people there: a girl who wore a scarf, a boy with a long face, and a freckled boy holding hands with the other boy. "That's Mikasa, Jean, and Marco. They're all our age," he said. I nodded.

I sat mostly in silence as a wave of inside jokes and past experiences flew past my head from person to person. I quietly finished my food then said, "I'm going to go. I have to find my next class and considering I don't really know the school that well, it'll take me a while."

"Okay then, Eren," Armin said. The others waved and smiled at me as I wandered off. I waved back and gave them a sheepish smile.

I found my class with just enough time to spare. A couple other students were there too. When the bell rang, I saw Mikasa approaching the door I was waiting at.

"Hey, Eren!" she said brightly.

"Hi," I responded. She stood next to me and we awkwardly waited in silence for the teacher to arrive. "How do you like this school?" she asked, breaking the silence.

"It's alright, I guess. I don't have much information to base my decision on," I said. Mikasa nodded politely.

"Anything in particular you're excited for?" she asked.

I looked up at her, "Well I think my internet friend lives around here so he might go to this school. It'd be cool if I got to meet him."

Her eyes brightened. "Huh, I think I know who you're talking about. Do you like him?"

I was shocked. "Like him?! Why would I like him, he's a boy!" I exclaimed, blushing.

"Oh okay. I just thought you might be-"

"Gay?! Are you crazy?! No." I turned away from her. She tapped my shoulder. "Sorry I didn't mean to offend you. Just if it's the person I think it is, he's bi and has had boyfriends and girlfriends that he's met online." I made apologetic eye contact with Mikasa again. I felt bad for yelling at her.

"I'm sorry I freaked out at you," I said. She smiled, "Whatever, haha."

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