04 | just erika

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Erika and Bethany just arrived at their apartment, both carrying groceries and Erika carrying her bouquet in her other hand, when their dear cousin Tony called

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Erika and Bethany just arrived at their apartment, both carrying groceries and Erika carrying her bouquet in her other hand, when their dear cousin Tony called.

Tony Stark was their favorite cousin, not that they had many. When their father passed away a few months ago, Tony had managed to keep the publicity off of their backs. They knew about Iron Man and his affairs but he never let them be involved in it. In Tony's point of view, being involved would just put both Erika and Bethany in grave danger as they could be used against him for numerous reasons such as ransom. Erika and Bethany understood that and just did their part, to blend in and stay on the down low.

Erika placed the groceries on their small kitchen counter and looked for a vase to place the bouquet in while Bethany put her phone on speaker and greeted him. "Hey Tony! To what do we owe this pleasure?" Erika giggled at Bethany's teasing tone. He was obviously a multimillionaire, a billionaire even, which led to them teasing him about being royalty.

"I can hear you Erika. Anyway, I'm parked outside your apartment building right now."

Erika asked why he was here in Queens. You couldn't blame her for her curiosity though, it was just highly unlikely for him to visit them so he must be here for an Iron Man thing.

"It's an Iron Man thing."

"I knew it." Erika smirked.

"So, what do we have to do with this? I thought that we weren't supposed to interfere with your superhero missions." Bethany furrowed her brows in confusion.

"Yes Bethany, I did say that. However, I stated that condition with the words 'unless necessary.' Erika, I need you to meet me downstairs, might need your help in this one. Just in case he becomes difficult."

"Oh, who is this boy you need, to the point that you need to have my sister by your side?" Bethany asked, putting emphasis on boy, to which Erika rolled her eyes to. Erika got a purse and placed all her essentials in it, just in case it would take long.

"That's for us to know and you to stay out of."

Erika decided to tease Tony and said, "You know it's supposed to be 'and you to find out' right?"

"Erika. Downstairs. In 5 minutes. Tick tock." Both of them could literally see him rolling his eyes through the phone from four floors above.

"Yes sir!" Erika waved goodbye to Bethany and quickly went downstairs.

"Bring her back in one piece or I will march over to the Avengers Tower and spill water over your Iron Man suit!" Bethany threatens him.

"Building's being guarded by Vision as of now so you can try. If you do manage to get in and supposedly spill water over my suit, that's just going to bring little damage and I can deal with that."



a filler twice in a row UgH

i swear something significant will happen in the next chapter

guess what it is ;)

it's so obvious if you don't know what it is ARE YOU BLIND OR ARE YOU BLIND

this sucked but hope you guys liked it


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