06 | just the childhood best friend

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"Wow, this is uh-wow

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"Wow, this is uh-wow. Just wow."

"Wait until you try the food." Erika smirked at Peter as they were being seated at Giovanni's.

"This place looks like you have to reserve a table a month before dining in here."

"A year, actually," Tony butted in, "but you see, I'm Tony Stark." He shrugs as he took a seat while Erika and Peter sat beside each other. Erika muttered, "Genius, billionaire, playboy, philantrophist, my cousin, Tony Stark." Her cousin had winked at her and said "you know it" to which she rolled her eyes.

Giovanni's was an Italian fine dining restaurant, the best one in Queens. For a fact, it was for upperclass men and women so Peter felt really out of place with his hoodie and tee shirt ensemble. This restaurant in its own is out of place; it was the only one of its kind in Queens, just like Peter.

Erika saw him looking at the other people's clothes and him looking down at his own which led her to place her hand on top of his and ask, "You okay?"

Peter eyed the hand on top of his and Erika sensed that so she dropped her hand on her lap as he replied and looked to her eyes. "Y-yeah. It's just that they're all wearing elegant clothes in here and I'm a bit underdressed."

"Glad you know, kid."


"I thought this was gonna be just a simple dinner too... like y'know... pizza and stuff?"

"Well, now we know that Tony Stark doesn't really do simple."

"Sorry," Tony coughs and raises his hand to ask for a waiter. Peter was surely famished but he struggled to pick out a meal he wanted since all meals cost 200 dollars and above. As soon as he saw the prices, he lost his appetite. Tony insisted that he get something to eat so he just got the cheapest pasta they were selling which was classic spaghetti.

Tony's phone rang and he looked down on it. "Excuse me, I just have a call to take."

The duo nodded and as Tony left, they both fell in a comfortable silence.

"So-" "Wha-" Erika chuckled and shook her head, clearly finding them speaking up at the same time amusing, while Peter looked down in an attempt to conceal his blushing cheeks.

"Erika? Is that you?" A male voice called out. Erika tried to look around to find whoever called her when Peter poked her shoulder and pointed the boy who was calling her.

"David?" Erika stood up and met him halfway in an embrace. "Oh my god, Davy, how are you?"

"I'm great! Fancy seeing you here." David took Erika by the shoulders and hugged her again.

"I missed you so much. Damn, how long has it been?"

"3 years, Erika, 3 long years." David patted her shoulder and then asked, "Would you mind telling me who the guy you were sitting with was?"

Erika grabbed David's hand, pulled him towards their table and introduced Peter to David. "Peter, this is David, my childhood best friend. David, this is Peter, my uh-schoolmate..?" Peter stood up straight, squared his shoulders and offered a hand for David to shake. David took it while Peter shook his hand firmly. Peter wouldn't be lying if he said that David didn't look charming since he totally was.

David Jefferson, Erika's childhood best friend, was a millionaire even at his young age. He lived in a mansion where him and Erika usually hung out in their younger years. David was the son of her dad's best friend so they got along very well. He was homeschooled for most of his life until his parents decided to make him study in a school, the same one Erika was studying at. They were inseparable until her dad passed away which immediately broke off the contact. Erika and Bethany moved to Queens and here they were now.

One more thing about David Jefferson was that he was the one who stole Erika's first kiss.

"How are you doing, Peter?" David asked politely.

Peter's eyes drifted to the man who was trailing behind David. "I-I'm fine, how are you?"

"Likewise," David sensed that Peter kept looking over David's shoulder so he looked back and said, "Oh, that's Alfred. My butler."

Erika came up to Alfred and hugged him, "Long time, no see Alfie! How are you?"

"Just swell. How about you?"

"Great now that I've seen you and Davy boy." Erika smiled at the both of them as she ruffled David's hair. She was extremely happy, she really missed her best friend.. his butler included. They chatted for a bit, and Peter couldn't help but feel a little out of place.

"We've got to go now sir." Alfred tapped David's shoulder. Erika hugged David again, both said their goodbyes and exchanged numbers to keep in contact this time around.

"It was nice meeting you, Peter." David nodded politely.

"Same here." Peter sent a half-hearted smile towards him.

"You guys have a great date! See you both around." David said as he left the restaurant. Erika and Peter took their seats again as Tony came back from his call.

"So, what did I miss?"

Peter whispered to himself, "How I wish it was an actual date."


aye is david charming or what?

if erika won't date him, i will LOL

david jefferson is portrayed by david mazouz while alfred the butler is portrayed by sean pertwee (lmao is it obvious that i'm addicted to gotham bc jdodnwklsjs)


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