05 | just a small world

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dedicated to all of you reading this. you are all amazing, thank you so much. i appreciate every single vote, every single comment, and every single follow i get in/from this book. i can never express my gratitude to all of you, thank you again for making this such a hit. 2K READS.. SAY WHAT?!?



Erika and Tony found their way up to the apartment unit he was looking for

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Erika and Tony found their way up to the apartment unit he was looking for.

"Why am I even here with you?"

Tony ignored his cousin's question and just straightened his suit. He knocked on the door and looked behind him to see Erika holding two thumbs up, like she was cheering him on. She figured she was invited to come with him for some sort of moral support. But then again, she knew Tony had all the confidence in the world—being the genius, billionaire, playboy, and philantrophist he is.

Erika had her head down low when the door was answered by a woman's voice, "Oh my! You're Tony Stark!" Erika's head snapped up when she heard the voice. She certainly found the voice eerily familiar, and when she saw the brown hair, she figured it out. It was the lady she met from the grocery store. The same lady who couldn't keep her eyes off Erika's bouquet.

"Oh hi, Erika!" May looked at the girl behind Tony. Tony looked back and forth towards them while Erika gave a small wave. He asked, "You know her?"

"Well, not exactly. I met her earlier at the grocery sho—oh wait, please do come in," May opened the door wider for them to enter, "It's a pleasure to have you here, Mr. Stark. Please do feel at home." She pointed to the couches as she rushed in the kitchen. Tony and Erika looked at each other and sat down. "Small world, mmm?" Tony nudged his cousin.

"You have no idea," Erika shook her head.

May comes in the apartment living room with two glasses and a pitcher of what seems to be lemonade. She placed the two glasses in front of both Erika and Tony, and poured lemonade in their glasses.

Tony grabbed his glass, drinked a little bit and then set it down, "This lemonade is one of the best I've ever tasted. May, is it?"

"Yes, yes." May nodded enthusiastically.

"Well, I'm Tony Stark but you already know that." May laughs flirtatiously at Tony's comment. "And this is Erika, my cousin. Thought I'd take her out with me for a while since I'm in the vicinity. Anyway, is your nephew home?"

May quickly glanced at her watch, "He should be home by now, but maybe he just went to the library for extra.. studying."

"Well, I am here to inform you that your nephew, Mr. Parker, acquired a grant from the September Foundation..." Tony went on and on about the details of the supposed scholarship grant while Erika just lost interest in the conversation. She grabbed her glass of lemonade and drank from it. She held the half full glass in her hand and played with it by moving the glass in a circular motion so the lemonade would move ever so slightly.

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