Chapter 5

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I know y'all. I haven't updated in ages, pls don't kill meh.


'"Thou Shalt Not Kill' - fascinated me... I always knew that some day I should defy it."

- John Christie. He murdered eight women deliberately in defiance of the sixth commandment.

Chapter 5

Unfortunately, things didn't turn out exactly like I had wanted them to.

It had been three days since Dad's car accident and I was still confined to the lonely quarters of my room. Mum, taking whatever anger and grief she had out on me, was keeping me on house arrest. That was the weird thing about her, one day she would cry on your shoulder and thank you profusely, the next she would yell and scream and blame her life problems on you. She hadn't stopped nagging me about the prison brawl, even saying late one night that Dad's accident was my fault. This resulted in my phone and computer being confiscated. But, I didn't protest. I knew which battles to pick and this one was certainly not one I was likely to win. So, I had been a good girl, stayed in my room for most of the day, only leaving to have a snack or go to the bathroom.

Admittedly, half of my day was spent sleeping or thinking about what my one friend was doing with her summer. The other half-of course-I spent with my nose stuck into the files I had finally been given permission to search through... And a few that I hadn't.

But, who could blame me. I had been given a chance to redeem my friend... Maybe even help him secure a re-trail in the long run. I couldn't really complain about the whole 'house arrest' as the days of confinement gave me time to read up on the profiles of almost half of the prisoners.

So far I had found... absolutely and completely nothing. It was beginning to tick me off. Really tick me off.

Even worse, the police weren't able to tell my mother what had caused the accident. Dad didn't remember due to his head injuries and there were no other witnesses that they knew of. They said his tires made skid marks on the road, which indicted that he had swerved out of the way of something before the car flipped into the ditch on the side of the road.

He's lucky to be alive, they had said. Lucky the car didn't catch alight. Lucky he didn't bleed out during the night.

But, I knew better to think he was lucky. And I knew someone had set him up. The only lucky thing about it was that it didn't happened sooner.

Mum wouldn't tell me what she thought about it, even though I had asked her at least seven times. I had managed to listen in on several of her phone conversations, however. She knows that it wasn't an 'accident'—she knows that this was set up. It was the obvious fact to anyone who knew who he was. Every criminal inside the prison wanted him either tortured or dead. All they had to do was call someone with connections and BAM. Shit goes down.

Unfortunately, there was little anyone could do about it.

Dad's shirts had bright red targets painted on the back. On his hats were bull's-eye's.

A soft knock sounded at my door. I slowly tilted my head upwards, greeted by the straight, stony face of my mother. The look of disgust on her face was subtle but clear.

"There is someone here to see you."

A messy head of hair and a wide smile poked around the doorframe. I realised the reason behind the disgusted look of my mothers face-my only friend, Nicola. I couldn't help the grin that grew upon my face, or the small squeal of delight that escaped my throat. I was lucky I hadn't started reading the next lot of files because the next thing I knew the strong arms of my best friend were securely wrapped around me. I doubted she would let me go for awhile.

"Are you ok? How are you!?" She yelled into my ear. I groaned as my ear drum exploded in the pain induced by her monstrous voice.

Before I could politely ask her to let go of me, she launched herself backwards, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"How long has it been since you showered?" She asked, raising a judgmental eyebrow. "Cause you stink... Bad."

I frowned, suddenly self-conscious, and sniffed my jumper. The musky smell of sleep, infused with split tea and breadcrumbs, wafted up my nose. To me, the smell was comforting and familiar, but by the way Nicola was scrunching her nose and waving her hand about, I doubted it was that pleasant.

"Yesterday...?" I replied cautiously, knowing all too well that she might explode into a lecture about hygiene and the importance of deodorant in modern day society. Surprisingly enough, she didn't. Instead, she just sighed, letting her hand fall softly to her side, and sunk down onto my bed. I followed suit and collapsed onto the fully duvet.

"How's your Dad doing?" She said quietly, staring at the ceiling. For a moment I wondered who told her, but then I remembered when the news channels came knocking on our door, asking too many questions about too many things. My heart constricted, ever so slightly, on the subject of my father health. He's alive Emily... He's going to be okay.

"He's going to be okay." I whispered, more to myself than to Nicola.

"Yeah." Was all she said.

We both laid in silence, but not the awkward kind; the kind that two people can share for hours on end, knowing that you are both too lost in the sea of your own thoughts to talk about anything further. And that was nice. Even though it was only for a little while.

For once, the dark thoughts that had disrupted my mind had a chance to clear and I knew exactly where I needed to look next. The name that I had forgotten in the distraction that was the previous days, the name that George riskily gave me.

Evan Parker, cell 94.






Hello again, I'm so sorry it's been a while since I updated ! I still don't have a computer so I've been working on the family one when I can :)

Thankyou so much to everyone who has been supporting me.

Big shout out to Mardra / Ame_Ojo who has been so supportive of monster minds, and to everyone else who votes and comments, I appreciate you all so much!

I'll be dedicating each chapter to supportive readers, I already have a list!

I won't ask for your vote but I would love your opinion/ criticism on all my chapters.

Thankyou again xx

Ps: PLEASE READ the authors note, I will be posting in a minute, cause I really would like your opinion on which cover I have made is the best !!!

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