Chapter 31

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"The only thing they can get me for is running a funeral parlor without a license."

- John Wayne Gacy, March 17, 1942 – May 10, 1994, was convicted of sexually assaulting and murdering at least 33 teenage boys and young men between 1972 and 1978. Gacy hid 26 of his victims' bodies in his own home. He spent 14 years on before he was finally by at on May 10, 1994.

Chapter 32

What started as a gentle tap upon the cool tiled floor quickly turned into a pounding beat that resounded in the skulls of all those listening. Shoes slapping upon the ground, an ache began to creep up my legs; each step sending a slither of crippling pain through the bones of my feet. My mouth felt like it had been dried with a blow dryer, hot and desiccated, a fingernail could have scraped away its surface in one gentle swipe. A radiating buzz blocked my ears, filling my senses with numbness, keeping my mind blank. I could hear nothing, smell nothing, and feel nothing.

There was only one image at the forefront of my mind that kept me pushing forwards through the pain of my legs and the dryness of my throat, freedom. Just as the last of the air in my lungs seemed to be sucked out like a deflating balloon, I rounded the last corner to Vans' cell.

But as soon as I did, the sound of chaos reached my ears. I threw myself back against the wall, out of sight from the hallway, chest heaving from exhaustion and excitement.

"Shut up, you imp!" A thick Russian voice spat. I peaked my head around the corner, finding the Russian guard who was my original suspect gripping the bars to Vans' cell. Vans looked unaffected, smiling wickedly at the man from the other side of the bars.

"Oh, don't look so sad! Do what I say and I still wont peep a word!" Vans clapped his hands together and my eyebrows rose in confusion.

"But what about the money?"

"That was just words, words, words." Vans waved his hand, dismissing the guard. His eyes travelled from the mans face over to where I was standing, head still peaking from my hiding spot. "Emily! Just the person I was waiting for!"

I froze in shock, unsure of how to react to the events unfolding before me. I had no idea what Vans' connection to the guard was, but I was certainly intrigued. There was no turning back from my plan now, I could still escape from my prison of a life, but Vans did not need to be a part of that plan. He would only come if I trusted him, and his next words would decide his fate.

Straightening my back, I strode over to Van's cell, stopping short a comfortable distance. The guard, Alexi, looked equally as uncomfortable and uncertain as I was. He was frozen, not once did he twitch or reach for the gun I knew was hoisted under his shirt. We exchanged a glance like two strangers passing on a roadside crossing, on the same path, but going different directions.

"What is the meaning of this, Vans?" I asked cautiously, preparing to close the door to my heart before he could destroy it.

"Well, Emily. Alexi here is going to be the lucky man to help us escape." He said with a flourish of the hand and a stretched smile. I faltered and stared at both of the men in front of me with shock.

"W-what?" I stammered, taking an unsteady step backwards. Unknowingly, I had inched closer to Vans' cell and it wasn't long before his gentle hand wrapped around my own.

"Emily, its okay. He wont hurt us. In fact, he is going to make sure we aren't going to get hurt on our little adventure." He ran a hand up my arm and my nerves immediately calmed.

"But why would he do that?" I asked slowly, still unsure of how I was supposed to respond.

Vans' eyes darkened and a smile stretched onto his face. I chill pricked my spine and I passed my gaze over both of them. Alexi's eyes were equally as dark, but a smile was far from existing beneath his beard.

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