Chapter 15

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"We've all got the power in our hands to kill, but most people are afraid to use it. The ones who aren't afraid control life itself."

-Richard Ramirez, an American serial killer who raped and torturing more than 25 victims and killing at least 13 over a two-year rampage. He died on death row.

Chapter 15

Christian was stationed outside of Even Parker's cell on the night of his disappearance. At least, that's what the personal guard files told me. When my father heard the tape, he immediately gave me permission to search through the Internet files. He told me the location of an encrypted USB, the password, and to be careful with the information that I found. He told me to show his replacements the recordings and to see if they really care about the wellbeing of the individuals in the prison. Rejecting the information would simply make them loom suspicious, and put them on my list of potential culprits. He also made sure I copied the voice recordings onto a disk in case things soured in the prison.

My heart had hardened from the pain it had endured. I no longer felt any remorse towards the guards impending fate; my father knew that when this was over he would be locked up as an accessory to murder. He wouldn't be placed into a correctional prison, hell, he might not have even gone to prison at all, but he would be punished.

I had yet to identify the other guard I had overheard in the hallway. Although, I did narrow it down to three possible Russian guards. One, named Alexi Mikhailov, was number one on my list, as he was also stationed outside Even Parker's cell on the night of his disappearance.

When I gathered enough evidence, they would be going down.

But, in that moment, it was time to go back to work and talk to Vans.

Wanting to look professional, I slipped into a tight skirt and black heels, ensuring my white blouse was tucked in nicely. The office ladies did a double take of me as I walked past, turning up their noses at my clothing, wishing they were young again. I ignored them as I signed my name on the clipboard, flicking away the strands of hair that had fallen out of my bun.

It was lunch time when I arrived at the cafeteria doors, pushing them open with a swift shove, annoyed at the lack of guards stationed outside its walls. When I entered the overflowing room of criminals, the noise was outstanding. Bellows and cries of sheer joy bounced off of the grey interior, mixing together until they became one unified hum. I couldn't contain the smile that grew onto my cheeks upon hearing and seeing the looks of happiness upon the inmates' faces. Some, whom I had grown up with, cheered and held up their plastic cups of water as I walked, passed. I greeted them with a nod of my head and continued weaving through the crowd in an attempt to find Vans.

"It's amazing, isn't it?" The familiar voice spoke up from behind me.

I turned with a smile to greet the beautiful face of the blue-eyed monster.

"What's got everyone so happy?" I had to yell over the noise of the crowd.

His lips pulled wide to reveal a perfect smile, sheer joy dripping off of him like sweat on a summer's day. He shook his head and gestured for me to follow him. I did so gladly, trailing behind him as he led me closer to his usual table at the back of the cafeteria. A plate sat untouched on the table, filled with all the colours of the rainbow.

"Is that...?"

"Fairy bread." He finished, his smile, which was already impossibly wide, grew in diameter, stretching from ear to ear. "No knows why, but today the kitchen lady added them to the menu. Looks like sprinkles can make even the toughest guys feel like kids again." He winked, reddening my cheeks.

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