Chapter 8

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"I have no desire whatsoever to reform myself. My only desire is to reform people who try to reform me, and i believe the only way to reform people is to kill them. My motto is: Rob 'em all, rape 'em all, and kill 'em all."

-Carl Panzram, killed 22 people, claiming he was 'rage personified.

Chapter 8


All I could do was stare into the eyes of the beautiful monster in front of me, which were an incredible shade of blue. He stared back at me with a glint in his eyes, like I was a new toy that he could play with and then rip apart when he got bored. Amazingly, I didn't care. All I could think about was the way my heart was excitedly thudding in my chest and how my arms were covered in an alien layer of goose bumps. My stomach felt sick, like it was lurching up my throat, ready to spill its contents onto the floor. It was a different feeling, a new feeling, and a welcome feeling. I didn't know whether that pleased or scared me. But, whatever it was, compelled me to stay right were I was... By his side.

His arms dangled through the bars of his cell, relaxed, like he was a home.  Dark hair was curling out of his scalp, its stubborn wisps looping around his ears. I did not know his age, only that he looked too young to be in such a place. His lips perked up when he noticed me staring and my cheeks blushed profusely in response.

"Well?" He said, voice deep. I pulled myself out of whatever daze I was in and straightened my blouse.

"Well what?" I asked cautiously, breaking his gaze to stare at the floor. I decided that it was the right time to question why a prison had pure white floors, waiting to be corrupted with the unmistakable red of blood.

"Did you miss me?" He asked smugly. His smooth voice intrigued me to look upon his face again, which had adopted a small flirtatious smile. My heart skipped a beat.

"Too be completely honest with you," I stated with a smirk, ignoring the consuming feeling of lust that grew in my stomach. "I completely forgot you existed." That, all together, was not a lie. I had more important things that demanded my undying attention. His hand swept up and was placed atop his heart. Feigned hurt consumed his features.

"You wound me, Emily." I scoffed and crossed my arms, more so to keep my heart from leaping out of my chest than anything else. But then a thought struck me... The same one that had bothered me upon our first meeting. So I gathered my courage and asked it.

"How do you know my name?"

His forehead wrinkled as his eyebrows rose in disappointed surprise, like he was expecting me to ask something grander. It took a moment for him to form the words with his tongue, but when he finally brought himself to do it, it failed to satisfy. 

"I know many things, Emily." He paused for effect, "And your name just happens to be one of them." My eyebrows creased together, discouraged with his answer.

"Well, how come I've never seen you before? Or heard of you?" I said, taking a step closer to him. My heart accelerated in approval as the distance between us closed and I stood in splitting distance to the bleak black bars.  "What are you? Some kind of ghost?" The muscles contracted in my forehead as I raised a questioning eyebrow. His smirk grew wider as he noticed what little space was between our faces, showing off his perfect row teeth.

"Has anyone told you that you ask too many questions?" He said, avoiding the questions.

"Only the people who don't want to answer them." I said bitterly, subconsciously running my tongue over my teeth. With one fang permanently curved upwards and a few out of place molars, it was easy to be self conscious about something that was always on display. Stupid perfect people with their stupid perfect teeth.

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