Chapter 6 - Connect the Dots

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A/N I changed the age of Emily in previous chapters. She is 18 and has left school. I hope this clears some of the confusion around how she balances her school life with work. Now she only has work :)

This is the first of Connect The Dots chapters ! I have designed these chapters so you can connect the back story with the character ! This way you will know how they really got imprisoned ;) however, you have the challenge of connecting the dots.

I hope you have fun with these chapters as much as I will !


"I'm sorry I killed five people, okay?"

-Gary Alan Walker killed, raped, tortured and strangled six people.

Chapter 6- Profile of a killer.

He was half hidden in the shadows of the night. The only light casted down upon him was from the patio light, which enlarged his shadow. The floor boards creaked beneath his weight, heavy for a man in his forties.

He waited outside the door that he had been locked out of, not so long ago. His hand rested on the door frame, head hung in shame. It had been too long, just as it was too soon.

He waited for another moment and then he knocked again, afraid no one would answer. The footsteps of his old love sounded in his ears and his heart thudded in anticipation. He missed her almost as much as he missed his other love; his beautiful baby girl. He remembered every detail of her small chubby face, the way she laughed and the way she would hold tightly onto his thumb. He missed her large brown eyes and the feel of her soft skin. And yet somehow, he was afraid to go inside. A small part of him knew that everything would be different—that she wouldn't laugh when she saw him... she would cry.

The light from inside the small house shined upon him as his old love opened the door. For a moment, she didn't recognise him. He was shabby, hairy and downright rugged. She began to close the door, believing he was a homeless man come to beg for spare change. But, when his head slowly lifted and she gazed into his pure eyes, she knew who the strange man was.

She knew why he had come.

Underneath the beard and the shaggy mop of hair was the man she used to love. The man she now hated. Anger coiled up in her stomach as she took in the features of the man. How dare he come back! Does he realise what he did? But of course, she didn't dare to speak her thoughts aloud. She knew it would anger him. She knew he would make excuses. She knew he would hurt her again.

She looked over her shoulder into her small home, praying that her new man didn't wake up. She didn't want to be the reason for another fight. Looking back at the man she forgot to love, she sighed and began to speak.

"You can't be here." She whispered, careful not to wake the rest of the house.

"Meg... I need to see her... Just let me see her." The man pleaded, taking a risky step forwards. But, she noticed his sudden movement and shuffled back into her house, hand clutched onto the door handle, ready to slam it shut if need be. He frowned as he noticed her retreat, his confidence rubbed deeper into the dirt.

"You know I can't let you," Meg replied quickly. She began to close the door, knowing all too well he wouldn't leave without a fight. "You have to let it go."

Unfortunately for her, she didn't close the door fast enough. Before she knew it, the door was pushed back open and the man she used to love was towering over her, fury in his eyes. She opened her month to speak, but the words she wanted to say were stuck onto her tongue. The man tried to take another step forwards, but she stopped him with a gentle hand on his chest.

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