Chapter 9

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"I wished I could stop but I could not. I had no other thrill or happiness."

-Dennis Nilsen, convicted of murder of at least 15 innocent people.

Chapter 9



"Emily!" Yelled the voice that brought me back to the present day.

My eyes, unfocused and confused, saw nothing but blurs. That was until they focused back onto the beautifully worried face of the man I was yet to put a name to.

"Sorry, what?" I asked, still in a slight daze.

"I said..." He paused, over exaggerating like I'd kept him waiting for five minutes. Had I?

"Why did you let those men walk all over you before? Looked to me like you were more on top of it then they were." He elegantly raised his eyebrow again and leant forward on the bars of his cell. In the confusion I had failed to realise a guard should have been stationed outside his door. So why is there no one in sight?

Suspicion kicked whatever feelings I had before in the gut, taking over my senses.

Refusing to answer the question I asked the one thing that came to mind.

"And what did you do to get locked up in here?" I snapped, bringing the venom back into my voice. His mouth curved downwards as he rolled his eyes, clearly unimpressed by my answer.

Taking a step backwards, he sat down onto the grey sheets that covered his flimsy bed. I took his sudden silence and opportunity to slyly investigate his cell. It was then that I noticed his walls were as bland and empty as the hallways. There were no picture frames, no drawings, no etches into the cement, no nothing. It was its emptiness that made me take a step backwards and consider his mental capability. For all I knew, he could've been a sociopathic serial killer. It was a good thing he was behind bars, which brought me a slither of comfort and a slight sense of security.

"Why haven't you asked my name yet?" He said softly, eyes flicking up to mine.

"I figured you'd just eventually tell me." I shrugged.

"It's Vans," He said, sighing. I couldn't help the smile that was drawn on my face. It was hard to believe that a monster could have the name Vans. It was hard to believe anyone could have the name Vans. "It's a nickname. I used to wear the shoes all the time." He leant back on his single bed, lifting a foot up into the air. "Still do." He gestured to his feet, which were fitted nicely into a white pair of vans. I smiled in spite of it.

"Well, Vans... I'm pleased to make your acquaintance." I said, honestly, with a small smile.

Turning away from him I realised what I should have noticed before; his cell was right across from Even's. If he was awake then surly he would have seen what happened last night. I needed to talk to him about it before the Welsh's bribed him into some sick deal for his information.

"What happened to Even Parker?" I asked sternly, turning to face him again. He had moved from his bed and was now leaning with his back against the bars.

"I know just as much as you do." He said with a sigh, but he didn't turn around to face me or look me in the eye. I observed his figure, looking for any signs of nervousness or agitation. There it was, his hands. They were clenched together, shaking ever so slightly and he was staring at them.

"Bullshit." I said, taking another step towards him. As I got closer I noticed his jaw clenching and unclenching, in an attempt to keep himself from talking. So I pushed a little more. "I bet you know a lot more than you make out."

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