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Dear Ashton,

I was all by myself during lunch period, which wasn't really anything weird as I am always usually alone. I've got lots of people I know, but none of them consider me a friend. I don't care, I don't consider them friends, either. Besides, I like being alone, I preferred it over being around people because solitude meant that I had all the time in the world to waste in the world of wonders inside my mind. I was listening to one of my favorite bands while I did my homework under a tree in the school yard, which wasn't a weird sight as well because that was how I spent my lunch break if I wasn't lost inside my fantasies or gazing at you from a distance.

I started singing along to Kurt Cobain as I continued to solve the problems in our Math homework due in two periods. I certainly wasn't expecting anyone to plop down onto the vacant seat in front of me, and I certainly wasn't expecting that someone to be you, of all people. To my surprise, you began to sing the next lyrics to the song I was singing out loud a few moments ago. I could not contain my happiness, I didn't even know you liked the same band I did. Then again, I never got the chance to get to know you because you never noticed me in the first place.

You began to talk to me about different rock bands you listened to. I knew that I should have engaged in the conversation, but I still could not keep my cool around you. I was much too shy to even talk back, so I just smiled and listened. I swear that I could just listen to you talk about crap without getting bored, I was just that mesmerized by you.

You didn't really mind that I didn't talk much, and I have to thank you for putting up with me. You continued to talk, chirping away about the kind of music you liked to listen to and I found myself talking every now and then to keep the conversation going. I didn't really know how time flew by so quickly, because after a few moments, the school bell began to ring and that marked the end of lunch break.

I was incredibly disappointed as our conversation was cut short, but that moment of despair was soon replaced with a spark of hope because you promised to talk to me about Nirvana another time, since I was the first person you've met so far that liked the same music as you. You bid me goodbye with one of your infamous smiles, and it was then that I realized that I had so much more in common with you than I originally thought. I was truly ecstatic to know that I finally have something I could talk to you about, it certainly was progress and I couldn't really contain my joy.

All because I found out that we like Nirvana.

SHE'S NOT ME ( ASHTON IRWIN )Where stories live. Discover now